Another mad scientist is born

Looks interesting… Until you look at the dimensions :wink:

I was thinking of stirrer magnet, pipette storage and misc. type storage. It is pretty small though!

I bought that same rack, 2 in fact. They are small but they serve the purpose. They are more for VERY new beginners and will quickly be outgrown, but for a small amount of cash and for the brand new beginning mad chemists, they serve the purpose fairly well


Ha ha another mad scientists born made me smile well done I’m new to this mixing but so excited


I use syringes, and have not used a scale. Mine have always turned out fairly wwe… Hope your does.

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Thanks, I hope so too. When I was doing research before I decided to try mixing it seemed like the 2 different ways had different sets of equipment so I thought I should choose one way so I only had to buy one set of equipment. I did like the idea, at first, of mixing in the bottle which pushed me towards mixing by weight but once I decided to go with mixing by weight I discovered magnetic stirrers and that nixed my mixing in the bottle idea. I think we can both get great results no matter which method we use. One of the best features of DIY is that we are free to develop our own methods and find what works best. I’m glad you enjoy mixing and that syringes work for you so keep up the good work!

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WOW! Nice!

Still kickin’ it old school. As far as racks go, i built one of wood and working on one for a drawer with angled dividers where the bottles lay so u can read the labels. I don’t have a seperate area for mixing , I do it at my desk near the computer and the Tv otherwise i may really become that mad scientist. I only mix for myself and a lil for my brother so i only make small batches and try them but i get bored of same ol’ same ol’ and am always experimenting w/ what flavors i have.

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Ya you keep telling yourself that hahaha - it will grow and grow (but only a little at a time) one day you will walk in and say HTF did this happen.