Apple Flavorings

Trying to decide which type of apple flavoring to get next only have green apple right now looking for a nice sweet apple flavor for bakery type mix any recommendations

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Check out these threads, they should give you some good ideas. :slight_smile:


Inw apple mix or fa fuji apple


Go with the Fuji, go easy on it, let it steep and and add some sweeteners, maybe cinnamon and creams. Apple is a bit of a challenge to get right :slight_smile: (Advice from much Apple failure)


Fuji FA and two apples inw. If I only purchased one I would pick Fuji FA


Inawera Bahraini Apple Gold is my favourite bakery apple flavour, tastes of a sweet, stewed apple type finished flavour to me


What is a good starting % for this flavor? I just got it and was thinking about trying a drunken apples recipe with some brandy and cinnamon.


I nix it at 3% as a standalone (part of the Wera Garden brand of Inawera, so a little more concentrated than the usual Inawera concentrates) and <2% in recipes. It has a slightly boozy taste and the sweetness comes through which replaces the slight floral note if left to steep for a couple of weeks, There is a faint hint of cinnamon to it already, I think, that may be enough without needing to add anymore?

Definitely try it as a standalone first to see what you think, before adding anything else. You may not need it.

As always though taste is subjective…:slight_smile:


I like the CAP Double Apple for mixing


you love capella period , dont you ??? :slight_smile: which there is nothing wrong with that


Awesome, thanks! I’ll take your advice and try it as a standalone first.


Yeah and some TPA, I’m getting more and more into FA, Flavorah, and RF too. I’m just old and it’s hard to change my ways. My three absolute all time favorite vapes are all made with a combo of CAP and TPA, so when I started doing my own I naturally started with those because they were what I knew (well and I had tried DIY once before and bought a bunch of FW cause I got them on sale.) I wasn’t too impressed with them. 9 months later I found ELR, and was already set in my ways. Give me time I’m coming around to some of the other stuff. Besides I gotta stick to my budget.


ya well i have 60ml of super sweetbfor you and rihht now im doing a ton of single flave tests and may have more but as farbas sucralose and EM its all urs and i have several diff ones

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Well thanks muchly appreciated

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