Capella (NEW) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

Good Job! I can send you a sample of Mango Slice if I can find it. I had it on my nightstand, but I just got a new bed a few days ago so my cat or myself knocked it off to what will become a new dust bunny black hole or I’m just going to have to mix up a new batch. It is so damn good!


Hehe, no don’t do that.


Found it! Nothing like a lil’ push to get me motivated to look for it. I have about 3-4ml’s left and am more than happy to send it to you to sample if you want.


No no @KC111 I’ll pick some up. I can’t be the cause for you not mixing up The Mango Slice !!!

Thank you though.


All right D-man, not gonna push you like I forced (with a gun to your head like a Mafia would) you to get Mango Mafia (admit it, you are glad I did, lol), and I need to make a larger batch of Mango Slice now anyway. Gotta jam, talk soon. Thanks bud!


Vanilla Milk Froth (CAP) 4% (1-23-22) – Now normally I don’t do this (I think, EVER), but I tried this one in a mix BEFORE I SFT’d it. The reason I don’t typically do that is because I don’t want anything clouding my FIRST judgements of a flavor. After I took ONE look at @Lynda_Marie’s Vanilla Milk Steamer, I KNEW I had to mix it up, AND, it turned out STUNNINGLY delicious. Solo’d this one presented as a deliciously light Vanilla Milk, but the dairy elements were light, airy, and dare I say, almost “frothy”. Not heavy handed, or with a super rich mouthfeel, it still was milky. What was nice, was that it was an airy dairy (hehe, see what I did there ?), which kept it OUT of a straight Milk, or Creme realm, and pushed it into a rather unique place. The Vanilla was fairly present, but not as to overshadow the lighter milk elements. The Vanilla presented to me as an almost pairing of a French Vanilla, and a Vanilla Cream, which worked perfectly with the milk. Nicely full, yet still light and airy @ 4%, and about a tick above mid level sweet, I could see this one with numerous uses. This one might just make a great new addition to your collection, as it was pretty unique, and although Milky, didn’t push into a full Milk or Cream profile. Finishing up this run of the NEW Capella Flavors with a pretty nice, and sweet Vanilla-y note. Nicely placing this one @ 9.8/10.


Mr Drummer, I just got this in and mixed up a SFT at 3.5%…I think I made a mistake by adding Super Sweet to it at what was supposed to be .5%, but my 2oz bottle of it comes out freely and there is about .65% in the mix…it’s not great. I think it would more suit my palate if I add some vanillin or split the 40mls I mixed and add some original INW milk chocolate to it? I think it would also benefit with some cream (000 milky, FLV, or FA Milk)?


That could work @HVPGH.


Damnit, just added Milkshake to the next order list. I havent even tried the NR one i got before they went bye bye. I NEED to make a Dark Chocolate Milkshake now.


I just ordered Milkshake from OOO.
Haven’t tried it yet.
I’m going to try and make a choc shake also


What would be your choices for adding more doughy notes? Just curious in case it’s something I want to do. This flavor just came to my door.


I’m driving, so I’ll make this short @muth. FA Zeppola would be the obvious choice.


Flv Sweet dough yummy


Ha! I use Zeppola (FA) to get the deep fried pastry.

Cake Batter (CAP) for a sweet dough or Sweet Dough (FLV).


@muth I’ve had great luck with FA Zepp, and haven’t used FLV Sweet Dough much, but depending on what you want, and/or how doughy/yeasty you want, there are other options.


I personally didn’t find Sweet Dough that doughy but I need to play around with it more. I know that Joy is known for it’s dough but I got scared away by people’s yeasty beer complaints, lol. What’s your take? I like Zeppola but would also like something that adds dough without too many other notes like powdered sugar, cinnamon, etc. Maybe I should just try Bread :rofl:


Hmm, I never used Cake Batter just for it’s doughy aspects. I’ll have to try that. I personally didn’t get much dough from Sweet Dough (FLV). The maple is what I noticed more but I need to play with it more.


Ha Fiddy, everyone is recommending that. I’ll tell you what I’ve said to them. I don’t get much dough from it. It’s the maple I notice more but I do like it. I do have to play around with it more, though.


WF has a sweet bread, not sure what it is all about as i dont have it but it is out there. I am not a fan of the Sticky Bun, im not sure what it was but i didnt like it.


You have the option of a doughnut also. One that is on the baked side. On the fried side SD is right on with Zeppola. All depends on the direction you want take your recipe.