Filtering by brand and by chemicals

In my opinion this place is the least “elitarian” place you’ll find.

I’ve put a lot of time into maintaining the warn list for flavors, but as you write yourself, there isn’t a way to filter recipes based on warnings. May I suggest that you research each flavor before you purchase, and if you have flavors that contain unwanted chemicals in your stash, simply remove them. That way you can safely use “What can I make”. When you search for recipes, there’s the little warning triangle so you can check the recipe out and see what kind of warning it is.

I will probably make an advanced search where you can filter out that stuff in the future, but I have much bigger fish to fry in the near future :slight_smile: I hope you can learn to work around this limitation - because there is a wealth of information here :slight_smile:


Coming in as a new member and call everyone elitarian is actually to cross a line and offending all the nice people on this site.
And this from someone that want help from the same people you just offended (shaking my head over here).

As @daath himself so elegantly put it, this is the least elitarian place i have come across.
Try to do the best you can to educate yourself and try to grow as you go along and you will be just fine.


Well, “elitarian” is not an offence per se.
I apologize if anybody felt it like that though.

I just want to clarify once more.
“cleaner juice” is only one among several reasons that brought my interest to DIY. Customization, is another critical one. My flavor, my percentage of nicotine - not only the ones available commercially - my percentages of PG, VG, and whatsoever.

My stuff.

This is an awesome tool and I thought it would be much greater if it’d allow to filter with more filters than “exclude single ingredients recipes”.
I realize that filtering by chemicals might be a thought job. Filtering by brand should be much easier - those info are in the database already (btw, I indeed am a computer guy and did design some small websites, so I feel like this should be technically pretty easy - I could indeed be very wrong).

What amazed me and disappointed somewhat was not that the answer was something like “this is technically unfeasible”, “there is only one guy behind this and he’ll likely not have the time for this”, or similar answers.

What I got was “do your job, research, we all did”. I grown up in the open source community where reinventing the wheel is considered almost an abomination and sharing any knowledge is given for granted.

What I read above - I could be wrong - was “we did a though job, we don’t want to help anybody taking shortcuts and get where we are with our help”.

Which indeed would be anyways an acceptable answer; only though to understand for me. Assuming that it is this case.

Apologizes again for having been rude.

I haven’t heard anyone on this site denying help to anyone as of yet. If you read in that people doesn’t wanna help i must say that you read things wrong. I’m pretty sure that most would like for you to grow, learning things and be as good as you possibly can.

As far as i am concerned this site is all about helping others to the best of each and everyones ability. The only time people get less interested is when someone comes in with a bad attitude demanding help and not being grateful that people get out of their way to help.

As in real life it’s all about giving and taking and maintaining a good balance, being nice to others and help out when one can.

Peace out. :v:

I don’t think you’re being rude that’s not what I got from your statements. I realize there is a language barrier between us .

I also know that request is valid it’s just there are other things pressing at this time for the creator of the site and while you have a nice idea it isn’t of top priority on his list as his list is an ever growing one.

I spent close to 15 minutes digging around finding those links to help you not me. So the attitude here is certainly not I don’t want to help you.

We all have to start somewhere is the attitude and we know you’re a beginner that’s fine ask questions more importantly read…there is so many good threads loaded with info just waiting for a newbie to come along and digest all of it.

Learning your flavors inside and out with be the ultmost deserving tool in DIY I promise you.


Yup. With such an answer I would certainly had understand better.
I nevertheless apologize once again for not having understood that clearly. :slight_smile:

Now, I got a single flavor bottle I got in Norway a few days ago. It smells like butter and it’s crap-free. It’s called TY-4.
Is there a way to search for recipes with that? I tried but I couldn’t find how. :smiley:


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Is TY4 a flavor concentrate or an eliquid ? The difference is ( forgive me if the answer is already obvious to you)

Flavor concentrate only contains flavor or an extract and if a concentrate is will be in pg or vg or a combination of both.

e-liquid will contain all or some of the above along w/ Nicotine.

From the sound of it, it sounds like a mix since RY4 ( I know you have TY4) is a vanilla caramel tobacco where I have not heard of TY4 would like to know if there is a Vendor on the bottle …common ones are
The Flavor Apprentice
Flavor West
Cup Cake World
and so on …does your bottle having any distinguishing marks that says who makes it ?

when I type in TY4 in the flavor list it given me this there’s a couple but again not sure who is the maker of it.

once you have found which one on that list ( from the link up there ^ ) click on it then when it says in green " add to my stash " add it so then you can go back to your page and when you get there you can go under the blue wrench and click it scroll down and choose what can I make !!! This will show you recipes with the TY4 in it. OR I can do it another way once I add it to my stash I can scroll all the way down and click on recipes that are available w/ concentrate ! @febs does this make sense ?

Perfectly. It’s a concentrate, by T-Juice. I thought it was the name of a specific product, hence why I didn’t specify it.

I did add it to my stash yesterday and tried that but it only listed recipes that I can make with all the ingredients in the stash. Thus, “TY4” :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s why I asked.

I guess I didn’t try hard enough. Gonna give it one more go. Thanks :slight_smile:

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I don’t have that one but it says from the commonly paired w/ concentrates ppl tend to use it across the board either as a tobacco or a bakery like juice.

If there is any recipes w/ it you should be able to search for it once you scroll down on that flavor’s page.

Trouble is sometimes not everyone has gotten a flavor yet and you may be the first to have it or they may not make their recipes public for everyone to view them. Check out the commonly used with area and it will give you some ideas of what ppl are making w/ it.

That web site says to use at 15% when they say that, they are intending you to use it as a " Stand Alone" flavor ( by itself ) not that you Have to :smile: again that’s the beauty of DIY and you get to pair it w/ whatever you feel like .