Finger taste testing... Anyone into this method?

Sorry @muth it’s a trigger word for me …

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May be, but finger tasting is really nonsensical. I mean, why do this if you’ve got a spoon or something nearby? Totally pointless


I’m not sure if Advocaat completely broke me of this but I usually do a sniff test the minute I get a new bottle in LOL … that was like FIRE on my tongue and had to quickly brush my teeth hahhah


I think that is the point … if you don’t have it nearby, you take a finger, a knuckle, whatever is available that you’re willing to put in your mouth.

But it’s besides the point. “Finger taste testing” just means that you’re tasting pure concentrate in your mouth. It is debatable how useful it is because a concentrate doesn’t always vape like it tastes but on the other hand, you can get a rough idea about the concentrate by sniffing or tasting it.


I really never did finger/knuckle testing up until recently for a few flavors that were very off when vaping. I was actually shocked how some (not all) tasted very different on the finger vs. in the tank.


I haven’t done this before. But once my mum was out of the house so I decided to grab a pot of yogurt from the fridge because I wanted to try doing it, I got the yogurt, dipped my finger in it, but completely failed. At this time, I wasn’t aware that you only had to dip the tip of your finger. So I dipped my whole finger in it and then had to clean my finger cause I got yogurt over it


When my Medicine Flower arrived, i was opening them all and having a good smell. Some blueberry dripped on my hand and without thinking licked it off - aaaahhh

Won’t do that again in a hurry :rofl:


One or two drops directly into my dripper usually gives a decent idea of what you’re working with. *Warning do not try this with WF SC Sour Gummy Candy… You’ve been warned!


Not criticizing and I could be wrong, but some flavors contain alcohol, so I’d be cautious.



@Pro_Vapes did you employ finger/knuckle tests when you were getting new flavors ?


Pretty much every one of them. After a couple hundred I became pretty good at picking winners… especially with MF extracts. If I couldn’t get a good fix on a flavor by finger taste then I’d rely on notes from the ELR flavor database. If there was little to no notes, only then would I do SF test/mix.


Roger that @Pro_Vapes I must have #%#%$^& taste buds or something, because the few (I’ve never tried with MF, maybe I should, because they’re super clean, and natural) that I’ve tried, more than a few tasted either terrible or different when tongue tasting, but were then either very different or better when vaping. Maybe I should try more to see what’s what. There were a few that were almost terrible finger testing, but then when I vaped, were very good. It scared me off, not wanting to cast one out, only to find out it was far different vaping.

Could be my tastebuds new a repair.


It definitely gives you a great idea of how strong that flavor is going to be. If it burns your tongue off (joking) then you know to mix it pretty low, if I can tolerate it on a finger chances are it’s going to need mixing higher… except Advocatt don’t EVER put that crap on your finger to taste it hahahahha just saying!