Lol… Hardly the king, but a very sweet compliment all the same. Ty!
I am definitely a firm believer in SF (single flavor) testing though. But I’ve also been approaching this whole thing like cooking. For the long haul. I figure if I smoked for decades, then it’s likely I’ll vape for that long (barring any unforseen circumstances). With that said, I wanted a methodic approach, and thus far, it’s been showing nice results.
One thing to bear in mind though, is that I’ve learned that I have a more sensitive palate than the “majority”. At least according to the “recommended percentages” often seen (especially with the aggregate numbers in the ELR flavor database when it comes to the most popular flavors).
Of course, if you’re like Fozzy71, consider yourself lucky! My experience shows quite the opposite, thanks probably in large part to all the (what I assume to be) MTL users, or folks with half dead taste buds. Lol (I love peppers too, but not enough to kill my taste buds for enjoying other stuff!
Anyways, the following “rules of thumb” are what I’ve found to be working well for me, at least with regard to well established flavor vendors.
I generally do two or three 15ml test bottles of a recently added flavor at the following percentages:
Capella: 4%, 6%
TFA: 4%, 6%, 8%
Inawera: 1%, 2%, 3%
FA: 1%, 3%
RF (vg): 8%, 10%
RF (sc): 1%, 3%
FW: 6%, 8%, 10%
Newly added testing procedures for MF (medicine flower AKA lotus) are falling in the 0.5%, and 1% ranges (according to those I trust and respect).
The nice thing about most of the above numbers, is that it allows for “in tank mixing” to get a feel for the in between numbers.
EG: if I wanted to test TFA at 5%, I simply mix one dropper of 4% with one dropper of 6% in the tank. Same for 7%. One dropper of 6%, and one of 8%.
this way, it’s easier to zero in on the personal preference. If 6 was a touch strong, and 4 was a touch weak, then while yes, it would be obvious to think 5 is the sweet spot, my way gives confirmation without having to mix that last separate batch to confirm (at least well enough for me)!
Part of me envies the ones who can be “all willy nilly” and mix on a whim. But that just isn’t my personality type. Lol My hope and goal is, that once I reach that “magical point” of familiarity, that I’ll be among those that can automatically look at a recipe idea and get close to target outcome just by knowing the flavors. The only thing is, most want instant gratification (myself included often times), but this goal/method demands putting in the time and testing. To me, the existing recipes are there to help me bide my time until I achieve such. And, The Dude abides!
All the best, and sorry for the novel!
EDIT 1: completed reply after a phone reboot.
EDIT 2: added FW numbers.