Hot water steeping and nicotine…

I have to agree with you there about the mixing. I can whiz my mix with a milk frother 4 or 5 good times while it goes through a warm rice bath and it really seems like it cuts the steep time a great deal. I’ve experimented with tobacco and custard mixes using this method, as apposed to just regular steep methods and have to say the whizzing process lets me enjoy my mixes a lot sooner!


I picked a one of the electric hand mixers from Walmart that has a chopper blender attachment and a frother attachment. Its 2 speed and I use the frother on low speed to mix my juice. It was less than $15. I use a beaker or pyrex measuring glass to mix in. I mix it till it looks kinda foamy then put it in a hot water bath in a little slow cooker for a couple of hours. Afterwards I put it in a nice dark cabinet with the lid off for a day.


So I got my 100mg bottle from nudenic the other day and mixed up a little batch of 8mg rockstar juice. Was just a simple recipe of 70/30 base with rock energy flavor west 12% and 1% LA sour & tart. Sounded like a pretty simple recipe but it still had a harsh peppery taste. I didn’t use the hot water steep this time either, just put them in a dark cabinet for a couple days. It’s gotta be something I’m doing wrong.
I just made two 5ml test bottles, one at 0mg and the other at 3mg to see how it turns out this time. Maybe the nic was too high.

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That’s the only way you’re going to find out where the issue resides in the mix. Experimentation is your teacher and friend; a cruel one at times.

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Kind of a silly question maybe, but did you shake your nic VERY well before using it? I’ve heard of ‘hot spots’ in nic base before. Mostly in High VG based nic liquid.

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I believe that could have been it or my nic level was just too high. I’ve noticed if I try and vape anything I make at over 6mg nic it’s kinda harsh no matter how much I shake it. So I have been mixing at around 3mg and everything has been fine. Just sucks that I threw out my old bottle of nic thinking it was bad lol. Oh well, live and learn.

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David what does this look like ? Can u snap a pic and put it up ? Man we are going to have an arsenal of tools aren’t we lol ! Mixer stirrer ultrasonic I use None of them as they’re intended lol. I think I want this mixer as well , does it froth and do you find it any better than the stirrer pros/ cons b4 I think hard on it ?

Jeff, sounds like you may want to get a home Nic test kit as well. NN has had its issues in the past and yes it may of been a one time deal but I wouldn’t take any chances I test every new Nic I get and to think yours was harsh hmm and around the time of their " mix up ". Too bad you don’t have your bottle you could of seen if the batch # was the same batch as the questioned one that Ken had issues with. Check out heartland Nic and carolinaxtract both superior nicotine.