How much flavouring?

Peeps, I have another question…

With the fruit flavors, how much as a % of the whole do your total flavorants take up? I’m not sure I’m using enough…


thats a very broad question it completely depends on the mix , the company and the flavor itself , can you give an example of the recipe you think your fruit is lacking ??


Most on here would advise generally not to go too far past 15% total flavor (all flavors added together). Some recipies go a little higher and some lower but it’s a pretty good ballpark (depending on your flavor combinations). Read some of the “beginners” posts on here or just browse some recipies, should give you the idea.A Beginner’s Guide To Making The Most Highly-Rated Recipes


When looking at your flavor stash, click on a flavor and that will open the flavor note page. There you’ll find the median percentage for that flavor both as a single flavor or in a recipe


Try this. A Beginner's Guide To Making The Most Highly-Rated Recipes


as well as personal preference

I find most of the median percentages to be weak but my personal preference is to have juice that is just below the strength that causes taste buds to shut down.


This. :point_up_2:

There are some fruit mixes I have that are around 3-4% total flavor, and some that are pushing 20%. It just really depends on the flavors you’re using.


The reason I asked is that I mix Shake n Vapes while that interminably long steeping process takes place with my other recipes. The thing is because it’s a Shake n Vape the flavor is inevitably a bit flat so I want to up the amount of flavoring to improve the taste but I don’t want to do it by guess and by god, hence the question.

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What flavors are you wanting to snv?

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I use banana and mint, the others are a bit weak.

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What brands and what %s did you start with?


Flavourmill and 10% for a 30ml mix.

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Flavourmill? Hmm… I haven’t heard of that brand and there’s nothing in the flavor list about them. But 10% is usually more than enough for a single flavor ( I’m assuming you mean 10% of the flavor as a standalone in your recipe).

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Is Flavourmill the actual brand of flavor or just the supplier?

Edit: is this what you have?

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That 10% is the total, I use 2/3 Banana and 1/3 Mint. Actually I was fibbing, I remember now that I got the Banana from a store called The Shipwreck…

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Is it the store’s brand or something else like flavourart or tpa?

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Store stock, dunno where they get it from.

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Ok. First things first, find out what brand your flavors are. Then we’ll have an idea of what the % should be. Do you happen to have a link to where you bought the banana flavor? Or can you share a picture of your bottle(s)?

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Unfortunately they only have a FB page and the Banana came out of a 5l can without a label. They do their own mixes.

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Damn. I’d give them a call and see if they can tell you what brand they use. Short of that info its going to be very difficult to nail down how much to use unless you just do sf testers at various percentages.

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