Huge Recipe Site

The Vape Book


Its a nice site, been around a while too.


@daath gave us a new spot so I was linking some the sites I had in my favorites. I hope it will help the noobs by giving them more choices. We really don’t post enough recipes here.

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Tis true. apparently we do talk a lot but don’t post actual recipes Well you do often and I occasionally do. But from what I read we don’t rate our recipes enough and we don’t post our recipes on the forum enough… good constructive criticism goes along way.

Here’s another one

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I used them when I first started out! Decent site but I find ELR to be more informative when it comes to companies and flavorings not to mention that great users!

I seem to only post my “prototypes” here and I really need to start posting my tried and true best sellers, even though I have been keeping them close to my chest :wink:


This thread is mearly a reference for noobie mixers so they don’t get frustrated with not having ideas. Here they can find nice sites with plenty juice recipes.

This site is good ( the one I posted ) but ELR is where my :heart:️ Is :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:.

I post everything I make when I feel it is easily replicable and taste good ( maybe only to me he hee ) hope not. If I borrow a recipe I don’t post yours. If I adapt your recipes I give cred and tell my substitutes I and most mixer feel this is a Golden Rule .
And since it has been brought to our attention that a negative to this site is not enough rated recipes. I encourage everyone to participate in the rating system fairly.
If it isn’t good please let us know what part of the recipe failed you. Ex. Too sweet needs more cream. This will also encourage new mixers to try other recipes on this site !


Agreed. :slight_smile: I guess I figured the forum was created after ELR to talk about making recipes…ELR is where we post our recipes. Seems kind of redundant to me to post all of my recipes on the forum when they’re right there on my page on ELR. Could just be me though. Been known to happen once or twice. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


In reality this is redundant. I only post links d/t it but for the most part our threads point someone where they need to go anyhow. And then there is so much more to DIY outside of the recipe. So I was just bringing up a reddit discussion point on a negative.

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Recipes posted their gets lost in a jumble of recipes unless someone follows you. If you have something special you can post here for exposure and discussion. If you don’t want feedback or exposure leave in the pile. I’m not saying post every recipe here. Participation is up to the individual.