Looking for a particular flavour

I’m looking for a particular flavour to vape and as yet I don’t have any luck with finding it.
The only flavour I keep going back to is area 51 Et, which is a mix of menthol and fruits and is really satisfying to smoke. :checkered_flag:
I’m looking for a mixture of menthol, liquorice and strawberry or similar and I have tried so many concentrates flavours like fizzy raspberry and fizzy lemon and lime with koolada but they all taste terrible and I end up binning them.
Any help will be appreciated and I will even buy a ready mixed at 6mg nicotine if you know of any.

If i understand correctly you arent asking for a clone rather just similar but perhaps u should just treat it the same way. You should include any known flavors so others can help ya out. Perhaps someone has similar w/o even knowing that it could be a good clone. I found this which may help a bit " E-Juice is a mix of Lemon, Cherry, Black Currant, Aniseed and Menthol". The basic tools for cloning can still be applied here too Clone Request Helpful Guidelines
Gl to you!


That sounds exactly what I’m looking for because you’ve mentioned flavours that I had in mind but forgot to mention as I was in a rush when writing the post.
Thanks for your input Very helpful