Looking for a specific vanilla

Dekang had some bangers and them some really bad ones also


Hey @STR8V8PING i went ahead and bought those vanilla tootsie’s on Amazon. I tried a couple and :drooling_face: they are pretty good. I tossed together a quick idea with what I have available. This is close to what I was getting from the vanilla tootsie’s not so much a dark vanilla it’s more of a malted vanilla bordering on a white chocolate, hence the use of VTA Love it is a malted white chocolate that gives the vanilla a slightly darker feel. You could also use FA Madagascar Vanilla Classic in place of the VTA vanilla Classic. The nougat and vanilla marshmallow give this a chewy mouthfeel. No WF and FA nougat wouldn’t work as they have some light nutty undertones.

Vanilla Tootsie


Interesting. I dont have nougat, love or vanilla classic. I tried to pick up love twice but both times i ordered it was out of stock.

I have tried ooo marshmallow vanilla and madigacar . The mm has a right note but the dry mm part kinda killed it as bring a tootsie.


Im pretty close to getting it done with

-vanilla tootsie roll-
Wf wht choco
Fa madigacar van
Fe sweet rice

Still needs a little work but the sweet rice kinda brought it all together and somehow adds the right note. This is still a crude recipe just dripping testers together so i dont know any percentages yet and i still feel like the vanilla needs a boost in sweetness but the overall note is pretty close


That’s an interesting choice.


Wow i think i fkn nailed it. I havent tried it after steeping but just off the shake i think its the best vanilla i ever vaped. Its def a vanilla taffy taste and unique to anything else out there. If its packed with this much flavor off a shake i can only imagine after a week steep.

I dont know if people can understand this but if you had vanilla taffy or even the tootsie rolls theres almost 2 notes. You git that deep vanilla candy note but also at the edge of that spectrum is like a bright almost fruity but not note, maybe like acidic hint. Sort of like a merange. I think i nailed both those notes in this and thats whats giving that instany taffy texture perception. Im still gonna work on it more and see how far i can take it but its awesome so far.

What i think i wanna try next with this is making it darker vanilla. Im thinking of trying a hint of the right caramel or dulce with it. Possible a bourbon might work. Just something to darken it up but not change it much

Vanilla Tootsie Roll / Vanilla Taffy Base : Check cookies

1.00% Marshmallow (Vanilla) (OOO)
2.00% Simply Vanilla (CAP)
0.88% Super Sweet (CAP)
0.50% Sweet Rice (FE)
0.40% Vanillin 10% (PG) (TPA)

Flavor total: 4.78%
Remember to rate it at: Check cookies

I have this same recipe except swapped simply with madigacar fa. They both taste almost identical off the shake so i am waiting to see which one is better after a steep


I’m happy for you, good going on all your testing and not giving up. I feel a little guilty sitting here watching you do all the work and now I get to try it, lol. I used to eat these taffy candies all the time when I was a kid. Loved the vanilla.



X2 @muth. Now if I only had the Rice and MM OOO… #fml


I was going to buy the rice the last time I was at Flavor Jungle but wasn’t sure if I would use it much. Well, I need to buy a couple of stragglers that I forgot so I’ll throw in the rice this time. Hope you do too!


My uncle used to eat these everyday. I loved them too. What he would do is freeze them and break them into little shards and suck on them


The sweet rice is a amazing versitile flavor. I didnt use it much until i recently made a tester for it and i got so many ideas for it. It has massive flavor by itself

Its well worth having in your stash. Id almost say a must have


Now the question must be asked… Why doesn’t BCF carry OoO any longer?! :sob:


Well i just tried both versions again and im still leaning towards the simply van version over the madigascar. Its a very slight difference if and . After a day and a half steeping though holy crap is this good. Its a ADV for sure. Im chainvaping it


Rocky posted a recent sale at OOO in the Good Deals thread. Check it out and get that MM Vanilla!


Good to hear. One doesn’t think of rice having massive flavor but if it’s anything like some of the sweet rice desserts I’ve eaten from Asian or South American countries then I’m in!


I love it when that happens …


Im not sure what sweet rice is supposed to taste like but the fe sweet rice tastes kinda like a super sweet tapioca with a hint of merenge


Well guys not only is this a supreme vanilla taffy but add some cap van custard v2 and some em to it and you got the hands down best custard to ever exist. Seriously. My first words were Fck thats delicious.


I’m just praying our tastes aren’t too far subjective from each other. In the meanwhile, I had a $7 reward waiting for me at Flavor Jungle so I also picked up another One Shot which I usually treat myself to when I shop there. All is good.


Hopefully but i think you should be impressed. I am blown away

I may make a fj order because i need more ry4 and a bigger bottle of sweet rice. Also wanted to try the new ry4 ultimate. Whats some good ultimates to get. I havent tried any before.