Memorial Day 2017 Deals!

Add some gin flavor after your done, and you got yourself some bathtub gin vape juice! Lol!


Oh and, Bull city flavors sent me a shipping notification TODAY!


Awesome! The deals were so good and it’s awesome you were able to get some good bargains. Same here chicky - my wallet has moths in it now. I’m new to DIY, so this Memorial Day Weekend I went all out - 62 flavors, 32 bottles, PG,VG, & NIC.
Let me know what you think of that Sweet Dough - I was eyeballing it!


I definitely will let you know. I’m still new to this myself. I started at the beginning of April. How’s it going so far?

Ok us noobs gotta stick together. So far I’m waiting on 3 other orders - Some flavors I could only find on other sites. They should all be here Thursday. So I’m hoping to start on Friday. One thing I’m looking at is a case to place them all. From what I have read and the responses I received from other members - refrigerate for a longer life. So I was looking at these items on amazon to keep them organized in the fridge.

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I know that some people refrigerate their flavors, others don’t. If you are going to, I would recommend something that seals closed, like a large Rubbermaid container. Because all of the smells will just overwhelm your fridge. I keep mine in a dark cabinet in a big, multi level, fold out makeup box, but I am outgrowing it too fast!!! Many people use nail polish holders on a desk or table. There is a thread that people have shown their storage and work spaces. That gave me some ideas. Let me see if I can find that.

Here is is! :blush: This might help you…

I am going to PM so we can chat a little!

Hi Jenny,
Thanks for the tips. @MisterSinner also shared that thread with me. I should take more time to read it thoroughly. Also I look forward to your PM!
