Okay... what's next?

2016 seems to be the year for the powers to be world wide to try and kill vaping as we know it.

As @Alisa said very sad for us all. But I truly think we are only seeing the tip of the icebergs for now and only time will tell what the end result is going to be for all of us.

At this time all we can do is support the advocacy groups working on this stuff no matter what side of the big pond you are on.


That’s a good start. Also, take stock of your inventory. Figure out what will help you get through the possible changes we’ll be facing. No need to break the bank, or get a 2nd mortgage. Shop smart. Considering what might be coming, I placed a higher value on reliability, and easy to maintain, over latest & greatest technology. That’s just me, though.

I’m not a pessimist at heart. I try and find silver linings whenever I can. I want to remain hopeful that our advocacy groups, all our letter writing & testimonials, and petition signings have some sort of effect. I just want to be ready, in case that wasn’t enough.


I ordered 2 of those RBAs for the Nautilus. I’ve heard some positive reviews on the Version 2s. I took a $20 gamble. Hopefully, it’ll allow me to keep using the Mini, and not have to rely on the Aspire coils. I’m sure it’ll be a few weeks before I see them from China. I’ll let you know how they work out, if you haven’t already placed the order.

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Did you buy them from Fasttech? Can’t find anything searching there.

I ordered them here:


And so it begins

EU’s Tobacco Products Directive Impact

I took the plunge and ordered my first mech mod. I like the idea of having something basic and durable, to fall back on, if needed. I respect the safety requirements, and have an electronics background. Ohms Law was one of the first things I had to learn.

With my style of vaping, my coils are in the 1.6 to 1.8 range, normally. I’m not a limit pusher.

I picked up 2 of the telescopic Beyond Vape Beacons. Blemished discounts for $10 each (reg $65). They had a few other colors for a little more. I wasn’t concerned with color.



Looks like a very nice telemech. Nice material specs.
Haven’t owned a telescopic mech for awhile,
and could use a Red mech for the collection.
Thanks for the link, and enjoy your entry into the mech world.:grinning:


Thanks. The you tube reviews, and recommendations from users, were very positive. It seemed like a good opportunity to get a well made mech mod, at a bargain price. I can live with appearance blemishes.

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That’s what you’ll get with a mech mod; doesn’t really get more care free. I still use mine on a daily basis; no futzing, just stick a battery in it, push the button and away you go. :grinning:

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Here’s a What’s Next?

Anybody else getting the feeling that some Chinese Tool&Die guys are working 24 hour shifts to beat the FDA Grandfather date? I think we about to be flooded with "What’s New"s


screwless posts…nice.

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Not my first choices in color combos, but such is life when shopping in the clearance & sale sections.

4.1 v / 1.8 ohm coil = 2.27 Amp draw on a HG2. Plenty of safety headroom. Works awesome for my low power MTL tobacco preferences.

Beacon Mech Mod - $10.00
Ehpro Kayfun Clone - $9.95

A set up that will probably last longer than I will, for less than $20.00. I bought the Beacons & Kayfun clones for ‘just in case’ vape bunker inventory, but it’s working so well I may keep one in the present rotation.


My mechs come in handy when I’m doing rough and tumble stuff outside in the yard. My “indestructible” set up includes my mech, topped with a Big Dripper. :smiling_imp: You could run over that with a dump truck and come out smiling, whilst blowing clouds!

Silver and red ain’t that bad! Kinda flashy if I do say so myself! :grinning:

LOL… well, I’m not waiting at the door, for GQ to show up for their summer vape spread photo shoot!

In all honesty, I never considered a mech mod, simply due to not knowing enough about them, safety-wise, and the horror stories. After doing my homework better, and being familiar with ohms law & current (amperage) parameters, I did the math, and for my style, I had plenty of safety headroom. I got the digital multimeter out, verified voltage & resistance, and was good to go.

Not sure if I’ll ever make the jump to drippers, though. I’ve never been able to tame them down enough (out of the 3 or 4 I tried). Big air, little air, lotsa holes, one hole. Maybe I need to try an even higher ohm coil, and cut the power back.

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Drippers were where I started out when I jumped from the ego kits to mech mods and twisting my own coils. Hehe… I still use the very first IGO-W single hole dripper I ever bought on a daily basis, as a flavor tester atomizer. Nothing fancy; single wrap, 2.5mm ID coil set up at 1 ohm; great mouth to lung hitter for flavor testing; easy to clean and rewick; 1/2 to 3/4 inch of wicking material through the coil is all you need.

I don’t think you can buy a single hole IGO-W any more, but you can always jamb a toothpick into one hole, so as to get the airflow hitting the single coil. :wink:


I wish Fisher Price made drippers…sounds like that would be more my speed.

I have one stashed around here somewhere. I’ll have to play with it a little more. It’s probably just a matter of finding the magic combination of air, coil, & wick.



Using the Kayfun/Russian bases, different looks for the mechs.
Reduces the weight quite a bit, but you have to use a little more care.
Got my eye on a red 18650 Nemesis and a couple more kayfun bases, spare parts kit, etc.
I gifted or sold all my regulated mods and had thought about getting another one, but
with the new plan coming, decided to just buy more batteries and such.


The IGO-W is the Fisher Price equivalent of a simple dripper.


You can’t find’em cheaper than this! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


And so it begins

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