Real Flavors Super Concentrates Tasting Notes (Part 1)

Oh yea…having that duh moment…I just donated :smile:


That actually sounds pretty good. What percentage did u use of the baklava? I feel like it’s pretty strong.

Interesting. Hadn’t considered trying those two together but I am looking for other ways to use the baklava so will give it a try. Please post the recipes of what you have and what you try. This is what I came up with for a first go but it will be a while before I get around to testing this:

Strawberry Baklava (RFSC)
1.00% Baklava (Real Flavors)
1.00% Strawberry (Real Flavors)
0.80% Cream (Real Flavors)
0.70% Sugar Cookie (Real Flavors)

Now you got me wondering about maybe mixing Baklava with RF SC Cookies & Cream…


Thanks Fozzy71 for posting something more specific than I can do. I do find that juices more often are ‘rounded’ if they contain a cake, dairy and fruit. I too wouldn’t have thought to use the Baklava with strawberry . Looks good. I’ve got to order some more of the RF flavors. Wondering about the Cream. What do you think of it comparing to other creams? Would you say it’s ‘as good’. ‘better than’ or 'not as good as, i.e. TPA Sweet Cream. I am warry because I was disappointed in the RF Vanilla Custard. I’ll order it anyway and give it a try. Looking forward to the RF Strawberry and getting the Peach too since I love, love, love the RF Apple. I’m ordering it at as we speak. I thought about using the Baklava like I would custard to see what it would do.

@Fozzy71 if your using the SC version of RF in that recipe I would recommend changing up your listed ingredients to include the (SC) i.e 1.00% Strawberry (SC) (Real Flavors) others trying to recreate that recipe as it is currently written would most likely use the VG versions of those ingredients because they didn’t specifically say they were the concentrates.


I tested the RF SC Cream at 0.8% and thought it was quite good. I can’t really compare it to other creams I used in the past (DX Sweet Cream is one I have used but am out of) as I never tested those other creams as single flavors.

I like the RF SC Vanilla Custard but it needs to be used in higher percentages than some of the other RF SC flavors. In a recipe I usually put that at 1.5% to start out of a total recipe flavoring goal of 3.5%.

I liked the RF SC Baklava as a 3.5% standalone originally but quickly got bored of it as the clove/cinnamon notes overpowered the filo dough notes even after a long steep so I ended up mixing it with my Pumpkin Pie single flavor batch and added in some RF VG Banana Bread flavoring I had left. I hope it turns out OK as it ended up literally being a half liter of juice once all mixed together.

I plan to eventually try and adapt this @Pugs1970 Pistachio Baklava recipe to an RF SC recipe but I need some more RF SC flavors before I can try to do that - Check cookies

All I use are RF SC Flavors going forward. This is the RF SC thread so I assumed that was implied. The names in my recipes are from my Juice Calculator software as I do not use ELR for storing my recipes, just my flavor stash to search for new recipes. Since I no longer have any VG flavors on hand, and no plans to ever order them again, I don’t really need the SC notation in my calculator but I suppose I should mention they are all SC flavors when posting recipes for clarity but I assumed the (RFSC) notation I put in the name of all my recipes was enough.

I tried 5 of the VG Flavors that don’t have an extract version and liked them all just fine but I hated having to use up to 20% total flavoring to get a good recipe. I will be trying to recreate some of those VG flavors (like Aged Bourbon Cream) using SC flavors.


nods… totally agree with ya, I wasn’t confused, but was just looking at it from a stand point of a newbie. I also keep all my recipes and more importantly ingredients/inventory in Juice Calculator, just wish they had an Android port for it (I was actually adding ingredient notes to it when I came back to check this thread).
Might be interesting to exchange xml files sometime with someone to see how differently they use it.

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Yes, I am sure I could use it more efficiently also. One thing I haven’t done yet but need to is start using the flavor’s category to organize my flavor types and/or flavors that I ran out of, etc. I still have a lot of non RF flavors to use up and don’t want to delete them when gone because I want to keep all the old recipes in there to adapt to RF SC recipes where possible. I should probably try learning to use the file maintenance tool when I finally run out of all my non RF SC flavors to make a new juice file with just RF SC Recipes/Flavors to tidy up my working juice file and keep the old file with old flavors/recipes for reference.

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I really like what you are doing with using ALL RF SC flavors.

I am one of the unfortunate ones that is PG sensitive to the point I only vape 100% VG now.

I also struggle big time with creating recopies on my own and would truly love to see many more good mixers move more in the direction of PG free vapes.

I am just starting to test with single flavor RF SC but will add what I can when I can.


I don’t have issues with PG myself but I want to support a local to me flavor company if I can and I really like these SC flavors so far. The VG flavors are good too but they require too high of a percentage for me as I would like to use as little flavoring as possible since I vape so much. I am a DIY newb and never really made any recipes from scratch before getting in to these RF SC flavors so most of what I have tried/tested so far have been adaptations of tried and true recipes that use other flavors that I then adapted using the @CosmicTruth calculator - - to get the total percentage down to 3.5%.


You can delete flavors from your flavor stash and it won’t affect your saved recipes.

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It will in the Juice Calculator I use locally IIRC. I only use ELR for recipe ideas that I can adapt to my actual stash of RF SC flavors. I probably only have 5 or 6 recipes entered on ELR (before I realized I didn’t care for the calculator here) but have hundreds saved locally in my juicecalculator.xml files.


Just noticed they have a new Soda Base

Anyone try it, looks like something I will have to order once Bread Pudding is available in the SC line.


I saw that also. I’m waiting for someone else to be the guinea pig :wink:


VG based so it won’t be me testing it…


Your right, I first picked SC then picked new so thought I was looking at only new SC. No VG for me as well.

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My wife really likes rootbear flavors has anyone tried any of the real favor rootbears yet, particularly the rootbear float?

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I ended up using both the Sasfarass and the fountain in a recipe. I think the Sasfarass helps give the fountain that rootbeer “bite”.

Sorry guys…I have been slacking…well, sort of…I just updated my original post (#301) with my Day 21 test results…I tested them on January 20th, but I never got around to adding my results here…I have just been too busy with school…also, it is past Day 28 already so I missed that…today is Day 31…so I will test them again today and post my results for that as well


Changed title from Raw Extracts to Super Concentrates to avoid confusion for new mixers and to hopefully have it show up on google when people research the Super Concentrates. I hope you all don’t mind :relaxed: