Vanilla custard

I was just thinking of trying that. Thanks for the percentages!

theres all kinds of things you can do to enhance that as wellā€¦just ask @Ken_O_Where!
cheesecake, different vanillas, gelato, ice creamā€¦you get me?


Yeah, I have been using New York Cheesecake with it and I just started mixing with Gelato (good stuff). I have a new recipe I have been researching with LA Cheesecake New York Style. I havenā€™t tried that one yet so I am hoping itā€™s a good one. Amy says itā€™s kinda bitter though. So I am thinking that is why she likes the Cream Cheese Icing with it. I am gonna give it a shot.


I use Cheesecake LA plain in most of my custard mixes, yum.


I want to try a Peanut Butter Vanilla Custard using TFA PB. I may add some FLV PB too. Maybe throw in some Maple Syrup and some Caramel :wink: God Iā€™m getting fatter just thinking about it!


So stealing! Mine! Here all this time I thought I was intelligent. But never thought of doing this. Iā€™m sure Iā€™m still intelligent though. No, really :wink: Thank you. So much less time wasted. Although, Iā€™m not sure I would stick with 1 recipe that long. Good Luck!!

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I mix my custard with FA and Custard v2 it gives me that eggy test that I want I still donā€™t taste lemon in FA I think maybe my tastebuds might be broken LOL

See now I have to go look at your Holy Grail Clone ā€¦ hoping itā€™s not private LOL Iā€™ve got one Iā€™ll be working on until the end of time I believe but one glorious day I will figure it out and the world will rejoice hahahha

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Hehe, Iā€™m glad to see this idea has caught on so well. It does save a ton of time and duplicates.

Thanks for the encouragement on my mix :smiley: Itā€™s almost there. Iā€™m getting so close, I have difficulty guessing what to change so itā€™ll be perfectā€¦ Soonā€¦very soonā€¦


I donā€™t have any that are shared just yet but expect to have a few ready for release in the very near future. Iā€™m pretty critical of my blends and really want them to be perfect before letting them run free in the wild. I have several that should be on their final trial and Iā€™m really just nitpicking them at this point :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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okay well I really canā€™t wait to mix up some of yours :slight_smile:

I wasnā€™t able to figure out how to add someone to your [Recipe Feed] unless they already have a public recipe and pop up in a search. So, Iā€™ve added a public ā€œtestā€ recipe incase anyone searches for me.

Once I relealse some real ones, Iā€™ll take the ā€œtestā€ one down :sunglasses:


Ironically the first custard I bought was so horrible it put me against custards for months. Then I gave in and tried a different vendors custard and fell so in love that custards are my favorite now :slight_smile:

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I am on a major custard kick now. I wasnā€™t too impressed, but it was just because I hadnā€™t waited long enough for the flavors to develop. The recipe I mentioned earlier in this thread got a little complex, but I will be mixing this up tonightā€¦

Nutty Cuss

Ingredient %
Caramel (Flavorah) 1.5
Cheesecake (Graham Crust) (TPA) 2
Honey (FA) 0.5
Honey Bee (Flavorah) 0.75
Maple Syrup (FA) 1
Peanut Butter (TPA) 5
Rich Cinnamon (Flavorah) 0.25
Vanilla Custard (Flavorah) 2.5
Vanilla Custard v1 (CAP) 3.5

Flavor total: 17%

Remember to rate it at!

Howā€™s that Honey Bee?

Itā€™s funny you ask. I just pulled this off the stirrer. I only let it stir a couple hours. I want to give this one a bit more natural steep. I am clearing my Velocity as I type to get ready to testā€¦

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Ive been thinking about checking out some of the new honeys, my only honey experience smelled like cat piss, Honey TFA.

All these guys have honeys worth checking out
Them days of cat piss are over, brother!

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Lorann has a good honey?

Two of themā€¦honey and honey clover