I have to confess I’m Gene (not really but stay with me)
So I’m going to disclose the whole conspiracy. Remember the old story about the Cobbler and the Elves? He’d put shoes out at night and in the morning the shoes would all be good as new!? Well they weren’t really Elves …not from this world …they were AlienElves.
They have been among us for Millennia, helping us in technologically challenging processes, but they are compelled to always stay on the leading edge …no more midnight cobbling for AlienElves! The first Ford assembly line? …AlienElves. The Manhattan Project? You guessed it.
This is the real secret of the Illuminati! They have been benefiting and trying to control all AlienElf activity …but they are so friggin’ small. Steve Jobs was one of the first CEOs to be able to convince the AlienElves to use their tiny fingers for the good of Mankind. You think Humans made all those iPods? Ha!
What the Illuminati know is that the AlienElves are actually Extraterrestrial Hipsters. What they enjoy most is shaping Human Culture by setting new trends. When the Illuminati saw the increase in Nicotine Patch Sales, someone in a meeting at Illuminati HQ said (rumors say bong hits were involved) “…people want to stop smoking, but they don’t wanna stop smoking”[cough]
Turned out an AlienElf was their Supplier, since at that time they were involved in hydroponic GMO MJ cultivation. He heard this and a lightbulb went off in his head …a little tiny AlienElf lightbulb …you know they are on all our Christmas trees. “Smoking that helps you stop smoking!?” he thought to himself telepathically. He immediately warped back to AE HQ (Denver Colorado).
The TRUTH is that guy in the hazmat suit in the 1,000ml/L Nicotine room is from the Illuminati. The suit is to hide his identity. Inside the mixing machines (all manufactured secretly by the Illuminati) are really just hollow boxes which are in fact AlienElf Condominiums. Inside they do their AE sh*t whipping up various flavoring and juices.
No one truly knows what goes on inside …any more than they could possibly conceive how busted shoes could be made to look like new or how music could be stolen and crammed inside tiny boxes. It f*cking AlienElves and the Illuminati!
[Deep breath] Ok ok, I feel better. It’s such a burden to carry this stuff around Man! …and now YOU know! …the WORLD KNOWS. F*CK YOU ALIEN BASTARD ELVES …they really are little hipster dicks. I need a drink… [sigh] Wait… there’s someone knocking on my door BRB because there is something Have to tel
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