What Secret ingredient from the Master List do you suggest?

I very much agree! It’s a great flavor. Just started using it a few weeks back and wow! Sooooo good! I made a Bourbon Apple Pie that’s absolutely killer! All thanks to the FA Fuji apple; even at 1% it kills.

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I just mixed up an Applelyptus (needs a different name as its to close to a a friends liquid name) and it is delicious! Had to really jack up the Fuji tho, even @ 3% it was almost unnoticeable. I just wanted a light exhale of apple and 4% seemed to hit it…Its just a trial run but i might keep it as is.

4% Fuji Apple (FA)
2% Eucalyptus (INW)

I mixed this to replace my allergy buster juice.

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What you think of this from FW.

This is the reviews of …

I do have to place a FW order real soon…

Yeah… I need to get some of that too. I’m loaded up with the CAP version right now. If I’d
known FW made it, I definitely would’ve ordered that first.

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Alrighty then, I will be ordering that and Butter Pecan hopefully in the next couple of weeks. Like to do it sooner but got a lot of expenses right this moment plus bought what I needed to blend by weight. Soon as I possibly can I’ll churn me out some Nuts and Stuff…lol

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Yep, they make it They’ll be making it for me to ship hopefully soon. I ordered a few new flavors too (I got to stop that) including…

Cake Batter
Butter Pecan
Toffee Cream Dream

I’m not sure what this Twist-Open Dispensing Cap flavor will taste like but I thought I would give it a try…lol

Guess I’ll be introducing your flavors before too long, cross your fingers. The Bust-A-Nut flavor’s name is short enough for my labels but the DaMomma’s Pecannilla is long. I chose this…

and this

My recipes (your’s) are public for you to see at this time. I will make them private after you get to see them so not to have dups on ELR. With some time I will make both up for tanks, and for Max VG. What do you think so far?

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I’m just … ummm… speechless! Totally flattered and all that.
This is so exciting to know you would make two of my recipes. :smile:

I hope they really sell well for you!


Toffee Cream Dream sounds yummy… I’ll put that on my list too.

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You know, when I noticed that flavor my very first thought was that it sounded like a flavor you just might find a spot for within the two recipes Bust-A-Nut and Pecanilla. Is it just me or does it sound like something that would mix well with them?

I might take it and substitute it for the Butter Pecan in Pecanilla.

Kinda like I did with my newest ‘DaMomma’s Hazelnut Cake’ .
I just took the PecaNilla recipe and tweaked it a little for the Hazelnut.
Vaping it today and I love it almost as much as the PecaNilla.

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Come to think of it, how strong of a flavor is that caps Cake Batter? Notice that 2nd review about the FW Cake Batter. It says it is a strong flavor. What do you think?

It seems pretty strong to me. I’m anxious to get the FW and try it out too soon.

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It probably would be a good idea since you would know what it is supposed to taste like. For all I know it could change the flavor greatly and I wouldn’t even know it…Some how I doubt it would sabotage the flavor but you never know…If it does we’ll sub with Toffee Cream Dream…lol. Gosh I already like this flavor, IT BETTER NOT DISAPPOINT!


New Secret ingredient from the Master List!!!


I recently got the Toffee Dream Cream and used it in my Dirty Blonde recipe.



I think the recipe still needs a little tweaking but the Toffee Dream Cream is actually a really good flavor. A little light on the toffee and very creamy.

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The Cake Batter Dip (FW) smells YUMMY. Just to let you know I blended 1200ml of juice yesterday. 600ml each of Bust-A-Nut and DaMomma’s. 0-18mg for tanks, 3 and 6mg for subohm. I am bottling it today. Stay Tuned for pictures…


I’m so excited!! I need to get a couple of those bottles to put up on my shelf. Please let me know where to buy!

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That’s some good stuff right there…Sure to put hair on your teeth :wink:


I need to try this