What’s up vapefam!
SirRisc here with another gear review!
After a few postal delays and a jumbled schedule, I’ve finally managed to get the popular RX200 review written.
Three 18650 batteries, 200W of power and firmware that can be updated. All for a small pricetag and in a nice looking package.
Can I get a FUCK YEAH over here?
The Wismec Reuleaux RX200 was sent to me for the purpose of this review by Gearbest.com!
The Wismec Reuleaux, in both versions, is a very popular mod at the moment. And that’s not without reason.
It’s the first readily available mod powered by not two, but three 18650 batteries.
Wismec teamed up with JayBo Designs for the outer shell of the device and released the DNA200 version first.
However the DNA200 board isn’t cheap and not everyone wanted to flesh out almost $150 for it.
Wismec reacted in kind by releasing a cheaper version with a slightly more basic VW/TC functionality and their own board, the RX200.
The price and the functionality are the big differences between the two, but the body remains (nearly) the same.
So why is the RX200 so popular? And more importantly, does it live up to the hype?
Let’s find out!
- Designed by Jay Bo
- Triple 18650 battery powered
- Temperature control for Ni200, Ti01, and SS
- 200W maximum power output
- Custom TCoR (with the 3.0 firmware)
- Bright OLED display
- Upgradeable firmware (see the Wismec website for more info)
The RX200 comes in the standard grey box we’re used to from Wismec.
It depicts the mod in black linework on the front, and a bit of info on the back.
Opening the box reveals the mod squeezed into a black foam insert.
Underneath the insert are a few accessories like the quick guide and the USB charging cable.
Also included is a card warning about the dangers of using badly wrapped batteries.
Out of the box the RX200 came with firmware version 1.07 which had some issues with temperature control.
Specifically the TC for stainless steel was very bad and users were very vocal in their complaints.
Wismec/Joyetech wouldn’t be a company if they didn’t respond by releasing the 1.08 firmware update which improved performance but still didn’t fully fix the issue.
However after releasing firmware update 3.0 I’m fairly happy with the performance, the issue seems to be mostly fixed now.
One issue remains with temperature control; it pulses like crazy if it’s not properly configured.
That issue aside, the RX200 is a beast when it comes to batterylife.
Sporting triple 18650 batteries this comes as no surprise, the mod lasts me a good 2.5 days of vaping and that’s plenty more than my other 200W mods.
The battery compartment has ample room to fit two batteries in the back with the positive ends downwards and one upwards, with a ribbon for easy removal.
The RX200 does have a USB charging port just beneath the screen, but Wismec and myself strongly advise against using it to charge the mod.
Why? Because it will take a very, very, very, very long time to charge three 18650 batteries and the batteries will not charge as they should.
Another reason for this is the balance of the batteries, Wismec advises to rotate the batteries each time you switch them out.
That means the battery previously in slot 1 goes to slot 2, the battery previously in slot 2 goes to slot 3 and so forth.
The menu system has also been updated with the 3.0 firmware and is now a lot more intuitive.
Especially if you’ve used an Evic VTC Mini or Joyetech Cuboid before, the structure will seem very familiar.
To turn the mod on you click the powerbutton five times, to go into the menu you do the same.
Once in the menu you’ll be presented with these options; Wattage, Temperature Ni, Temperature Ti, Temperature SS, Temperature M1, Temperature M2, Temperature M3.
Wattage is pretty straight forward, it’s regulated power output without temperature control.
Temperature Ni, Ti, SS is power output with temperature control for different alloys, the SS one being configured for SS316.
Temperature M1, M2 and M3 is where it gets interesting. They’re custom TCoR values you can set yourself, making the mod able to do temperature control for other alloys like SS317 (like I use) or SS430 too.
Setting the custom TCoR is simple. Just turn off the mod by clicking the powerbutton five times, then hold the powerbutton and up button for a few seconds.
While the mod is off you can also check the charge on your batteries by holding the powerbutton and down button.
Flipping the display can be done by holding both the up and down buttons.
The display before the update.
The display after the update.
The buttons are made of plastic but feel very comfortable.
Despite being a rather bulky mod the buttons on the RX200 are placed in a way that they’re very easily reachable, whether you want to fire the mod with your indexfinger or your thumb.
Under the firebutton marked JayBo is a bright display which sits about a mm higher than the display on the DNA200 version.
The display is slightly smaller than the DNA200 display but shows all the relevant info you need; general batterylevel, wattage, temperature, resistance, resistance lock, and the alloypreset being used.
It’s bright enough to read in direct lighting too, which is definitely a plus.
Vaping the RX200 at 200W will definitely bring down the batterylife, but the fact that there are three batteries makes the RX200 reach the actual 200W.
Something that hasn’t been so with some dual 18650 powered devices.
The RX200 does heat up quite a bit at these wattages but not to the point of shutting down.
In TC mode the mod performs quite well, disregarding the pulsing when configured wrong.
The wattage defaults to 200W and the only setting is the temperature. This makes it a lot easier to configure by taking care of the output for you.
The pulsing can be kept to a minimum by setting the temperature to the point where it will barely limit the power.
I’ve found that the pulsing is fairly prominent when using SS317L alloy but less so with Ti01 alloy, this could be because the SS317L profile is a custom one and the Ti01 is preconfigured.
Yes, the RX200 is bulky. Yes, it’s heavy when you put 3 batteries in there.
It doesn’t pocket easily and it sure as hell isn’t a stealth vape. But it’s a beautiful mod for the price.
At around $45 the RX200 is pretty much an ideal choice if you’re looking for a heavy hitter.
The formfactor may not be the easiest to carry around but the grip is easy and comfortable.
Combine it with a tank, or a dripper, and you have a mod that will feel like an extension of your hand in no time.
The batterydoor can be a bit hard to remove due to its shape but fits perfectly on the RX200.
And another artsy shot…
Pros and Cons.
- Triple 18650 means tons of batterylife
- Ergonomic and comfortable shape
- 200W of power
- Easy to use
- Firmware upgrades
- TC for stainless steel and custom TCoR
- Cheap!
- Heavy
- Display sits slightly crooked
- Batterydoor can be challenging to take off
- A bit hard to pocket
In conclusion.
If you want something like the Evic VTC Mini but with a lot more batterylife, this is the mod for you.
The RX200 comes at a much cheaper pricetag than its DNA200 counterpart but offers plenty of functionality and quality.
Where it did have some issues with TC with the previous versions of firmware, the 3.0 update solves a lot and works very well.
Overall I’d say the Wismec Reuleaux RX200 is a definite must-buy!
In closing I would like to thank Gearbest.com for sending me the Wismec Reuleaux RX200 for review!
And of course all of you who read my reviews, thank you very much!
Join me next time for a review on the Joyetech Cubis clearomizer!
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#staycloudy !
SirRisc disappears in a cloud of Mothers Milk scented vapor