Xcube2 vs sig 150w tc vs ipv3 li

There’s no need for you to act like that. If you would like to speak to a member of this forum in a reasonable manner, then by all means do so.
If you have just joined to be an “idiot” then please leave as adults are conversing.
Be respectful of other members and their views.
You haven’t been here a day and hijacked a thread with abuse. Really?


I’m not even gonna respond to this I’ll bow out with no problem :wink:


I wish there was a double like button!!!


I love that the people around here will jump to each others’ defense. People have stood up for me before and it’s really nice to know that you don’t have to get into it with the jerks…others will do it for you because they like you and care about you. We’re a family and nobody talks to my family like that but me! :stuck_out_tongue:


thank you Jojo!!!:wink:


This guy is a dunce and we are giving him power with these replies. That’s why I deleted my replies. We should let @daath take care of this. We all know @quitter1 is a valuable contributor to this community and that’s all we need to know. Nothing he says will diminish q1’s worth to us.

When these type of non-factors enter this community we should do as q1 and take the high road.


Without all his links to good stuff to buy I might be a bit richer though. :grinning:

P.S. Keep em coming.


I can definitely say one thing with certainty, i would not recomend the x cube to my worst enemy :yum: This thing is playing up again! No joke. It’s been nothing but a headache. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::dash::dash::dash:


Still loving mine. Zero issues. Not downplaying those that have had issues though. Mines been a dream. Next to the DNA200 it’s my main mod and still sees more day to day use since I’m not afraid if it gets bumped and knocked about. Love the new Stainless prebuilt coils they came out with. TC on it works great with them.

I’m an rba man and for some reason it will not keep ti in tc mode without jumping back to watts again. I’ve had this mod for months and really its been more bother than its worth. I’m sick of tinkering with it. It’s rubbish.
That is to compare with what’s available today. E vic mini for instance right up to the dna200 devices. You can screw your tank on and away you go.
I think I’m going to have to bite the bullet and get one.(dna)


Yup, that’s what I hear often here. Doesn’t seem like a great mod for those who only like building. But I really haven’t seen the complaints for anybody using the prebuilt coils. Part of why I bought the mod was to try out the huge variety of coil types and materials they have to offer. I have other mods to build on. For the reasons I got it I couldn’t be happier with it. It’s the whole different strokes for different folks thing.

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Tee hee.


I agree for those that use stock coils its a beast. That with the tfv4 is am awsome combination. Pure cloud machine. :yum:

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I learned many years ago to stop putting the square blocks in the round holes. Life’s been easier and happier ever since. :wink:


My XCube2 has been my daily goto since my evic mini began having issues, and I look forward to trying the new firmware updates over the holiday.
I’ve had my Xcube2 for a couple months, but used it in wattage mode for the first month, temp mode on the older firmware requires a certain rhythm or cadence that I just have a hard time with, but works decently with SS and some patience.
Speaking of patience, yeah you’re gonna need some. I’m glad I didn’t go mental trying to use the app, it seems they’ve got that worked out for Android now (that’s how I use it), the firmware was easy once I made the jump to TC. And even upgradation was somewhat simple.
So I have every reason to believe the new firmware update will be an improve my to TC.
…if not there’s always next time.
After all…who only has 1 TC device???

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I think ignore is gonna come to Discourse, but I’m not sure. They’ve had a lot of discussion over this, and I kind of agree with some of their points. Either a community pushes out/away the negative, or it withers and dies…

Anyway. Maybe Llanowar got the wrong foot out of the bed this morning? Who knows. He’s on suspension for a week. If he comes back and continues, he’s out. No reason at all people with an attitude like that should be here.

I’m thinking I need some more moderators :stuck_out_tongue:


I was thinking about that after I posted. It seems like we as a group have done a pretty good job of either running the baddies off or getting them in line so far. Like I said, I’m not even sure how an ignore would work in a forum like this. There’d almost certainly be times where you’d be missing half a conversation if someone was legit ‘ignored’. People can always mute topics, too.

Plenty of people here have had disagreements without being uncivilized and sometimes that means just agreeing to disagree or just choosing not to pay attention to the person. Obviously you can’t go around kicking out anyone who doesn’t agree, and you having to step in should be a last resort, but, like you said, abusive behavior crosses the line.

Glad you’ve got our backs. :wink:


Well, I think of it like this: Imagine you’re invited to some persons home - How would you talk to another one of his guests? Polite? Right? When people are alone, they can sometimes act differently… I’m reminded of Louis CK:


This very much sums up all that is wrong with the internet. Some people feel that because they are behind a keyboard and a screen that it is completely okay to be as much of a jerk as possible. Oh if I were a shrink, I think I’d have a field day psychoanalyzing those people.

And oh my gosh, I love Louis CK. Too funny! Gotta say, guilty as charged when it comes to yelling at people while I’m driving. But at least they can’t hear me. LoL.


Just saying…