You gotta me kidding me, CA State Senator?

One of the scariest things that I saw from the past presidential election is how many young people based their descision on who to vote for from “information” they gathered on Facebook.


That is insane.


That is the youth…our future leaders. Maybe we should just go ahead and rename ourselves “ The United States of California”?

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Oh please! I’ll have nightmares!


Hey, I only came here cause dad was having some heart problems and I didn’t want my mom to be alone if something happened to him. Well sadly it did but this was in 1982. By then I was married to the biggest pain in the ass I’ve ever met. If I could have I would have left then but anyway. Two boys and a divorce later I meet the perfect woman (wifey) I stay for her but I will never be a native Californian. Wfey is but barely and as for the politicians they can’t make the short busses fast enough.


Wait, wait, wait…You can’t blame all of the current political shenanigans on Cali alone. This is the direct result of 30 years of dumbing down the vox populi. Think about it: Standardized testing, No Child Left Behind, Jersey Shore, Honey Boo-Boo, Fox News AND CNBC/CNN have all worked towards a singular goal. Make the lowest common voter dumber than a bag of hammers so that the Powers That Be can show you just enough of a problem to scare John and Jane USA shitless. Once the fever pitch is at an acceptable level, the PTB can show just enough of their “multi-tiered solution” to get everyone on board while all of the truly scary and or maddening shit is buried in the bill that contains the solution.

Yeah, I know. Tinfoil hat much? Let me ask you: When was the last time you saw a group of people out at a restaurant having a conversation? Like, actually talking to one another? Hell, even when they talk, it’s regurgitated sound bites from whateverthehell “news” they’ve ingested within the last four hours.

And with that, I’ll take my leave for the evening.
art color funny painting portrait - 4862494208


There is much truth to your comment. It’s Sad but it will take generations to fix it!


The internet and the apps bear some of the blame as well.

One of the great changes that is happening is a paradigm shift in how the world views education. The traditional model has been the higher one moves in education, the deeper and narrower their focus becomes until they become an expert. They are experts in a slice of their field as well, not the entire field. In today’s economies the shift has been to a wider but shallower knowledge base. It’s part of the shifting economic demands on workers. As we say in the US, a Jack of all trades, a master at none. Good or bad, it’s what is happening in the US. In addition, there doesn’t seem to be much social stigma amongst the younger generation for the glaring gaps in their knowledge. This certainly cuts both ways. However, being proud and satisfied with one’s ignorance, even in things that aren’t required for making a living, does not bode well for society in the long run.

If you want to see something sobering, go to a decent university’s website, look at one of the hard science departments and try to find the page which will show all of the doctoral and post-doctoral students. It’ll more likely than not be 70%+ either foreign born students or the children of US immigrants. This is the result of values and mores.


Yes, and yes. Social media has been far more of a curse than a blessing in many ways. Protocol, respect, and decorum are things of the past. The tail wagging the dog and political correctness have driven a massive spike into the foundation of the country. And I do not mean any sort of ‘good old boys’ racist line of thinking. I am talking about simple values, respect, sense of community, and personal motivation.

Countries become great when the citizens are all respectful of the democracy and all work to the common good- prosperity. Everyone did their fair share, and paid their fair share, knowing what it means to be a unified country and how to help everyone succeed, not just themselves. Now, everyone is offended by everyone else. Nothing can be said without someone looking sideways for the ulterior motive (which there usually is). So few are motivated to give 100% for the country, because the government makes sure it is no longer a fair shake. Hell, even unemployment can be more profitable than actually working. Ever hear of people saying they are “funemployed”?

Next door neighbors don’t even know each other. Politics is no longer ‘my party and values versus yours’, it is now Good versus Evil, from both sides. This is fed by the media and social media both. We’ve not only become disconnected from traditional values, but also from each other now that we can disappear into cyberspace and ‘socialize’ there.

But yeah, that gun video guy is a tool.


Roger that @anon44944642. The scary thing about being a hammer, is everything looks like a nail.


“Ask not what FaceB00k can do for you …ask what FaceB00k did to your country” - JFK


Where oh where is the bottle of chlorine. The gene pool could do with a drop or two…