A cautionary tale. Mixing by numbers

Didn’t realize the year on this thread. My apologies.


Two things!

First, you don’t have to apologize for a necro here. If it’s on topic, full steam ahead. Besides, you bumping a post may well help another newbie find some great information (for instance @Ken_O_Where’s post above) that might otherwise be missed.

Second, you can also edit your posts! (In case you weren’t aware.)
For example, instead of a second apology post, you could have simply clicked on your previous post (expand the post tools, by clicking on the three dots) selected the pencil (to edit it) and add whatever you felt necessary. :wink:


@RocketPuppy You don’t have to apologise for anything my friend! 2 years on and my ADV is still your RY4 - followed closely by @Alisa 's DaMomma’s Delight ( when I’m not feeling quite so decadent! ).


Thanks @Sprkslfly. Wasn’t awake enough to edit.

@MixedUp2 - that’s fantastic to hear! I’m still looking for my adv.


I’m a Flavourart fan myself. One of the things I love is they mix well and don’t take a lot of effort to make great mixes you can enjoy. I started playing around with FA in the beginning because they had none of the things I was trying to avoid.

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