All my diy eliquid tastes bland

I was gonna post this in “what are you/vaping mixing” but I think it would have been a little off topic.

I made this recipe about a week ago, It looks good on the surface. I don’t taste any caramel, no cream, and I definitely don’t taste the tiniest bit of pecan!!! I have tasted pecan before, is it possible there is too much pecan flavor in here and it’s muting?

Can anyone tell me what could be going on here?


You have a serious creamy gangbang here. Remove additional creams if you want to taste pecan and work from there (those pecan creams are already too creamy anyway).


I’d drop the fw pralines cream personally.


@Mediocre_Remedial What letitia said, remove the fw pralines & cream, just doing that should help.
Also personally i would remove the sweet cream dx & lower the ssa butter cream to 0.75%, then increase the dulce de leche to around 1.5-2% (thats if you actually want it as a player & not just an additive?), if you have a whipped cream from any brand i would use that in place of the sweet cream dx at a low % just as an additive (maybe around half the elr recommended % as a reference guide?) whipped creams can really help bring creamy recipes together, i would probably also consider lowering the butter pecan to 1% & upping the super sweet to 0.75% ? But the sweetener is just my personal preference.

Edit - ahhh you dont have a whipped cream, just checked your stash, maybe 1% ssa ice cream vanilla could also help/replace the sweet cream dx? I think thats the route id go anyway.
& if you like your creams you need to add ssa whipped cream to the shopping list, & i would just grab a 30ml because its absolutely brilliant, i think i have about 6x 30ml bottles of it & about the same of ice cream vanilla,lol, nomz had no 60’s or 120’s left when i ordered, i always do that go overboard buying loads of duplicate bottles of the ones i like, i have around 200 flavours in my stash but i bet i have over 1500 bottles with all the duplicates i buy,lol.


Thank you for the very detailed response!!! I actually do have a whip cream now. My stash is hella outdated. I really appreciate the suggestions, I will try it out.


Alright, so I wasn’t crazy. It was my coil after all. Even though it wasn’t blackened, or crusty and didn’t show any signs of actually going bad, it wasn’t producing enough flavor. New coil and everything is fine. The pecan juice is not too bad.

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