
So, I just had my one year anniversary in December. I canā€™t believe itā€™s been that long.This is still my go-to site for D.I.Y. and Iā€™ve learned a lot on here Anyone else just have an anniversary?


Thatā€™s cool! Actually I never really paid attention to how long I have been around here, but I just looked and I totally missed my anniversaryā€¦it was back in June! But looking back over the time I have spent here and everything I have learned since joining is simply amazingā€¦not to mention I still learning something new all the time!

So here is a shout out to @daath to say ā€œThanks for this home away from homeā€ and ā€œI still believe this is the best place on the webā€ā€¦


Nice one @RandyRotten! You should totally pop it in this thread as well



Congrats RR!


Me too Jan 10th !!! 365 days not one F-ing cigarette ! Happy Anniversary! Lolly!:clap:


It was a fast year

Mine isnā€™t until Marchā€¦but thanks for the advance congrats :smiley::laughing:


Ha ha Iā€™m sorry I didnā€™t really make this clear but I meant my year anniversary for this site. I received a badge a couple weeks ago. I actually had to think about how long itā€™s been since my last cigarette. Iā€™ve been vaping off and on for a few years but it never took . My wife actually quit first I think about 2.5 years ago.I think I started making my own juice maybe 6 or 7 months after I quit smoking. So, Iā€™m gonna say I havenā€™t smoked a cigarette in at least a year and a half, Maybe a little longer. Now that I think about it I kinda wish I wouldā€™ve kept better track of it .


I actually donā€™t know when I finally gave up cigsā€¦think it was about 2 yearsā€¦2.5 maybe the last timeā€¦only been on here since July thoughā€¦
still a noob :wink: