Anyone ever used ecblend flavors?

Has anyone ever heard of/used these guys ?


Ive had some of their liquid but this was a few years ago and dont really remember much of the experience.

They have been around for a few years and i dont remember reading any bad about them during the years i spent on the reddit ecig sub.

This might help:


Just a bit of info from a past thread:

I still order their RY4 for my wife… she still can’t live without it. I was never able to clone their RY4, thus, we purchase it 250ml at a time for a fair price, I think. :smirk: And still take advantage of their standard discount when available.

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They have a B&M 12 miles from me and that is where I got my start vaping. I’ve tried a few of their flavors, I like their Black Licorice and their Chocolate Mint. My wife used their Cool Hit in almost everything she vaped until I replicated it with a 4% Koolada mix of my own. I haven’t tried any of their flavor shots.

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