if you try to shake with me you will be no handed
and just maybe no more puddy cat for poor elmer
Is that a hand in my pocket, or am I happy to see you?
Finally, someone with a come back! A sense of humor. Good job, ol’ bean!
Incidentally, and in no way my usual jocular discourse, many a year ago, the one that I let think wears the pants in the family and I, went to Italy for 3 weeks. In no small way due to “The Sopranos” and John Grisham’s book “Playing for Pizza”
We were in a City called Luca. My favorite City in the world, and I can’t imagine finding another better.
It’s a very small City. There’s a “Wall” around it, that if memory serves, (doubtful) 'tis 1.6 Kilometers. Most of the surrounding area is an empty field where they cut down trees to inhibit Florence, or Pizza from making catapults.
This wall has tunnels within them. At random locations there are, I dunno, “Portals?” where defenders could open a hatch and fire arrows or cannons into the enemy.
Actually, Luca is NOT a City within Italy. It’s a sovereign Country, like the Vatican. They felt their primary enemies were Florence and Pizza. They started building this wall in the year one.
They continued to build/modify it until, “I think”, the 16th century. Question is, was it effective, or a waste of tax payer’s money? Much like 100% of the U.S.A’s budget?
Anyway, unto the part that I found funny! We ordered a pizza with pepperoni, sausage, Mushrooms and green olives. We got a pizza cut into 4 quarters. One with Pepperoni. one with sausage, one with mushrooms and the last with green olives. Rather a bit of disdain on the expression of the waiter. Can’t explain the reaction of the other patrons as we rearranged the toppings…
I’m telling you, if you ever get a chance to go, even for a few days, DO it! It’s a different planet! Hell, it’s worth it to watch the cabby’s drive. A drive through L.A. during rush hour is a joy ride compared to Rome.
Incidentally, and in no way my usual jocular discourse, many a year ago, the one that I let think wears the pants in the family and I, went to Italy for 3 weeks. In no small way due to “The Sopranos” and John Grisham’s book “Playing for Pizza”
We were in a City called Luca. My favorite City in the world, and I can’t imagine finding another.
…not sure if I’m reading that in the right context, but if it’s referring to modern times that’s pretty funny lol