B.P glycerin is it safe to vape?

Hi guys I am new to diy and I have heard that b.p glycerin 100%is a good vg mix I have mixed it into a menthol and it seems fine to me but it’s used for coughs and sore throats just want your guys opinion tbh as people on here know what there doing😳

What does the B. P. stand for?

The British Pharmacopoeia

OK, if this is the same as Glycerin BP which I imagine it is, check out this link…


Notice near the bottom of the page and I quote “This product is 100% vegetable derived”. That being said I would think it is safe to use. Sounds to me like Vegatable Glycerin as we use but produced with better standards. As far as density and such you might compare MSDS sheet from some flavoring company for amounts of water content, ect…

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I just looked at the ingredients online and it is

Glycerol Ph Eur

100 % v/v

I don’t know what it means hopefully you do😳

sourced from rapeseed, coconut, palm kernels or palm oils according to Boots.

tested according to Ph.Eur.

Again I refer you to the article I linked. The line just above where it mentions it is 100% derived from vegetables says…

Complies with latest British Pharmacopoeia / European Pharmacopoeia

They seem to be saying it ass backwards but I would say this is Ph. Eur.


So it’s safe then thanks very much for your help :grinning:

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I would think so, but remember, I’m not a chemist, nor have I compared the product you are looking at to what we usually buy for vaping. What I will say is it APPEARS to be nothing more than VG which has been tested rigorously…


Ok thanks there seems to be a lot of people in the uk that use it I have looked at a few forums about it now so I will carry on with it thanks for all your help


From what I can find it appears to be the same as VG here in the states and is pharma grade plus everything ringling said.
100% Glycerol https://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/medicine/25270
It also appears to be vaped by a lot of people for years without issue…

To me it seems like it is the EU name for the states VG is all…

Snag a MSDS sheet and compare? The SG should still be 1.26 and if anything it may even be more “pure” than our VG… BP just stands for British pharma.

This thread gives some more information and addresses why pharmacies don’t usually sell anything marked vegetable glycerine - http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/diy-e-liquid/52669-pg-vg-labeling-purity-please-read.html


Agreed, where ours is USP their appears to be BP or PE approved…


Yes sir!

Kinda like Fanny packs…Here in the states they’re the 80s little packs you wear around your waste…in the UK…ummm…not so much :wink:

My family are British and my sisters live in London at the moment but my mother found this out the embarrassingly hard way back in the 80s…


as long as it doesn’t stand for British Petroleum… :smirk:

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100% v/v, sometimes noted as 100v/v is 100% by volume, the other typical option is by mass (% m/m). For ratios other than 1(00%) it makes a difference whether you use volume or mass based on the density of the constituents. And there is your unhelpful nerdy fact for the day.

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