Baby Beast Tank

Thats just it for me,now im learning mixing i dnt wana be messing around with wire and making coils so thats swaying me towards buying coils and just fitting them myself.

Just buy coils for now… you have plenty of time to learn how to build them later. The deck for this small and it is honestly a lot of messing around with the RDA.

Your right,small steps.i think i need a man cave like pugs has got.i never imagined id end up with all this stuff when i started this only a few months ago.


It’s because you hang out around us online and we are a very bad influence.


Just recently bought one. Using the 0.4 ohm coils and running 45/50w on Cool Fire 18650. Best tank I have ever had. Great vapour production and really nice flavour.
Had no issues with it. Best money I’ve spent for some time tbh.


Lol i think you may be right but its the best bad influence.



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There is a link on Deals for Fast Tech and they have the Baby Beast on for $21 and free worldwide carriage
That seems very cheap for an original Smok I wonder if they are clones

There are some folks who will tell you it’s all clones on Fasttech. I’m just not sure.

i doubt it is a clone i have seen them as low as 17usd here in the states

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Hey guys! First, I want to say that I miss being here chatting with you all! I have just been so super busy with school…it is soooooo hard…but I do have a 3.79 GPA and only 23 more credits to go! I do pop in every once in a while to see what everyone is up to! I barely have time to mix…I binge mix…I mix enough juice to get me through a few months so I only have to mix every 8 to 10 weeks…it sucks…I miss that too…

Anyways…I have a question for you all…I recently bought a Smok Alien 220w kit with the baby beast tank…as you all probably know, I hate stock coils, so I ordered the rba from Gearbest (I ordered it from them because I had some other things to order so I just threw it in there too because I really don’t mind the two weeks wait)…However, if I do wait two weeks for something I expect it to work…

My question is…have any of you had a problem with the baby beast rba? I got mine in yesterday and immediately opened it and wicked up the coils that it came with…0.30 ohm claptons…put it in the tank and then tried to get the mod to read the resistance…it asked if it was a new coil and I said yes and it read 1.79 ohms…???..I don’t get it…so I took it out and checked to make sure it wasn’t touching anything…nope…put it back on and answered yes to a new coil again…this time it said 1.34 ohms…WTF…okay so I need to build my own…took out the coils provided and put in a 24/34 Clapton SS316L that should have been around 0.20 ohms…nope…put it on the mod…answered yes to a new coil…and it read 1.68 ohms…OMG I am so pissed now…so I take the coils out and start really looking at the rba and noticed that the positive post is loose…but, I tried putting a simple 24 gauge SS316L coil that should have been around .15 ohms and nope it was reading over 2.0 ohms this time…so now I come to you guys with this hoping for a fix because I really don’t want to have to deal with waiting another two to three weeks to get it replaced by Gearbest

Using the cloud beast (brother of the baby beast) I’ve had the same issue. I use the rba deck… putting it 2 of my mods it will jump around like that no matter what i do. It only seems to work correctly if I use it on my evic vtwo otherwise on the x-cube or the Sigelei the ohm’s jump around from .33 (the build that is in it) to 1.x every time I hit the fire button it changes to something different which is crazy.

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Yeah, that is what it does, I put it on my Laisimo L3 and the same thing happened…every time I remove it from the Alien and put it back on and say yes to new coil I get a different reading…when I built it on the CoilMaster 521 tab it was fine…I was able to tweak and burn my coils to perfection, but as soon as I put it on a mod it goes crazy…also, when I have it on the CoilMaster, if I push on the positive pin I can see the coils jump around, but it was way closer to the actual ohms than it is when I put it on a mod…I can’t even get it to fire on a mod…it says atomizer short or, on the Alien, it tells me to not abuse the product!

So is there no fix for it that you know of?

Sorry no… as a side note my step daughter is using the stock coils in 2 of them (a baby beast and a cloud beast) on the Smok Stick (I believe it is) and hasn’t reported any issues with them.

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okay…thanks…I was using the two coils that came with the tank before the rba came in…but I think I just fixed it…I took a really small screwdriver and a hammer and used them to tap around the center pin which actually tightened it up…now there is no movement at all so I am about to throw a build on it after I get the kids off to school and see if it works

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Yep. It shorts.

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Yay!!! I fixed it!!! Works like a champ now! I put a 26/34 2.5 ID dual Clapton setup in it that is 0.33 ohms and it is working beautifully now! No more movement in the positive post! It is solid! Thanks for your help!