This is all I can see that is a bit out of wack . Bad picture but the post is a little deformed on the one side . You think this might be the issue
Not having a kayfun atty, I’m not quite sure what I’m seeing. But deformed bits in your atomizer can’t be good! Fast tech might sent you another??? Never hurts to ask.
Oh I already have a ticket in for sure . In the meantime …I’m enjoying my 10 dollar investment of the orchid v6
I’d recommend this to someone not looking spend a lot of money . Feels like good quality easy to build and man is it flavourful
Can’t beat the price! I had an Orchid v3 to kick me off on the kayfun style atty. Nice draw and flavor, but filling it was a bit of a pain. Have they worked that out with the later version?
It’s bottom fill . This thing holds enough juice that I would only have to fill it once a day anyhow so it doesn’t bother me . I’m not sure how the other orchids were filled? 10 bucks tho!! If I payed 30-40 bucks maybe I wouldn’t be as impressed but at that price it’s a steal
Apparently if you change the #16 oring it fixes the problem . Check fasttech forum they have all the answers
The top fill kayfun cap fits an orchid (fasttech like 5 bucks) !so easy
thanks Mixedup1!
My kayfun 4 clone by hicgar is great, very smooth all around and no issues 2 months in!
My infinite clone showed up and has been a nightmare . Even though all the reviews were stellar . It’s on it’s way back and have another coming as we speak . In the meantime my aqua v2 clone has been insanely good ( first night in ) .
Not sure if this is where this post should go, but I really wanted to share what these guys are doing to the kayfun v2.I think it is amazing!
You could buy this stuff from fasttech for 30 bucks and do it yourself!!
I’ve modded mine
I drilled out the airholes and positive post as well as the juice channels w a drill press and vise @work
I did the same w my taifun gt
My Goliath is out for delivery!!!
Using a press just seems difficult because of how close the original hole is to the top. Did you just center punch and start small till your new hole incorporated the old one?
I have a drill vise on the press
I love my FT Kayfun 91% russian by tobeco, and wanted another so I bought a bell cap conversion and a Kayfun 3.1 of another vaper on potv to cannibalise, but the 3.1 was a nightmare to fill with a bell cap being a top fill, so I bought just a bottom fill base unit and it is superb with the bell cap so I now have 3 Kayfuns, I prefer the 3.1 method of holding the coil legs as there are holes to fed the wire into and the screws pinch it down rather than the 2 bottom fill where the wire is trapped against the top of the teminals by the screw heads.
In my opinion Kayfuns are very good simple to build atty’s but unless wicked and filled correctly a bit on the leaky side