Cool that you’re using the cotton! What I mean by “filling up the coil” is:
Sometimes the amount of Japanese cotton placed through the coil isn’t enough to keep from getting a burned taste when vaping. I’ve has issues in the past where the cotton “deflated” once juice saturated the cotton and a portion of the coil was not being touched by the cotton (or juice). This caused the top portion of the coil to burn red hot and be a very uncomfortable vape; dry hit taste.
I’ve also had situations where, when running a dual coil set up, one coil was not getting good juice flow 'cause I packed the juice channel too tight with cotton.
So, making sure the wad of cotton placed in through the coil is enough to stay “inflated with juice” is a good thing. And making sure you are not choking off the flow of juice to the coil by packing the juice channel too tight is important.
oh okay i get you now, yeah they didnt seem to be to tight inside the coil but not to loose, some times when wicking it, its slightly better and then sometimes its just rubbish. spend alot of time trying to wick it properly to then be let down and annoyed with the thing. but thanks for the advice!
The Billow v2 is one of my fav tanks! As well as the Goliath v1 and now the Goblin Mini! I don’t own a Lemo of any version, so I can’t compare the two. I’ve always leaned towards dual coil decks.
I know it’s a pain, but if you can sort out the wicking issues, the UD and EHPro products can be golden!
The one technique I’ve found which works like a champ is the “butterfly cut” on the wick prior to wetting the wick for installation into the juice channels (if needed). Like unto so:
That build was on my mates billow v2, I have the same build in mine.
However though 5 minutes before he walked through my door I was disassembling my own billow as I had a little juice around the bottom section, as I unscrewed the base the upper base tightened and cracked my freaking tank.
2 new glass replacements on order so I’m having use my Twisted Messes 1:1 with a stapled helix build in it. Oh the trials and tribulations of vaping lol.
I was finding that with my .1-.2ohm builds I was having to charge my M80 during the evening before vaping for the night.
I started with a freshly charged M80 3hours ago.
I’m hoping this build can see me through the entire day at least.
I’ll update this post again in about 8 hours with a battery life pic to show where it’s up to.
Just thought you Billow V2 users out there might like this.
If you don’t have time to make a clapton, you can use to make a coil that has a high heat-flux (~300) at 30W - I did this with my Derringer and titanium - excellent taste, vapor and battery life!
Also the blue hue from the Nichrome when its first fired and crimped is beautiful. Lol.
My buddy who bought his billow at the same time as me (they were on the same delivery route on the same day) has popped round for the same build to be put in his lol.
I just can’t believe the battery life this build has allowed.
It performs brilliantly from 15w up to around 45w just stunning!
I can’t believe I’m actually happy with a .54ohm build.
But like you said a while back, just wait until you become a regulated vaper. Lol.