I am trying to find a good stock coil mtl tank for an upcoming holiday. There has been a few good looking ones released recently, has anyone tried any.
Im on a nautilus s2 at the moment and its pretty good just curious if anyone has found something better.
I did have a search but the results were mostly 6 months+ old, but if i missed something please feel free to point me in the correct direction.
I tried the zenith with the funky plexus .5 coils and its flavour wasnt as good as the nautilus.
Also the draw was realy loose, even with afc closed it was looser that 3 holes on nautilus.
I have looked into pods but there is so dam many and most have tiny batteries.
The Berserker RTA is a good flavor MTL but too restrictive for me personally. You will have to build your own coils but it isn’t difficult to do. I’ve heard the Vapefly Galaxies is a suberb tank as well. Good luck in your quest.
Thanks for all the help people.
I have got myself a siren 2 and am a happy bunny. Its easy enough to wick that even i can make it work. Still not got wicking perfect but its very tasty.
I have the siren 2 also and like it lots. I use a 2.5 mm inner diameter coil and it should wick quite well. I use a .7 to .9 ohm coil at about 17 watts with the last 2 holes.
Same, Siren V2.
2.5mm, 8 wraps spaced
24AWG, Kanthal A-1
0.6 Ohms.
I use a variable wattage curve to taper off the Wattage since it heats very quickly. Consistent vape without prematurely killing coils and cotton. The wicking on the Siren V2 is a bit fickle. Comb some out to prevent choking the juice for the but comb too much and you’ll get leaks. However, I get great flavor and vapor production. I open my air all the way.