Might not go over too well down here in the “hate anything that’s new because it is the devil’s work” Bible belt.
I live in Alabama and sell in Alabama, Tennessee and Georgia.
While I have no problem with anyone’s religious beliefs, it does tend to be a thorn in my side from time to time.
It’s pro-christian, like you get in church y’know body of Christ (wafer) blood of Christ (wine).
darn I was ready with a logo
Good one @CosmicTruth… bummer its gone!
Shorten it even more to Flave …or, Flaves… Flave Co, Flave Juice Co, Flave Mix, Flave tonics (or tonix)…
I’m trying to hang on to at least some of the work youve already done. Floggin a dead horse? Hey… wait… Dead Horse Sauce!
Might even just call it floggin sauce (kinda like a e-liquid knock off of Häagen-Dazs!)
FLST is too hard to pronounce. Logo looked ehh.
So we could modify that to FLEX, as long as the exercise companies don’t sue. I think it’s safe because they don’t make juice.
Flavorologists extreme.
Oh it appeals to people who like purple.
…& pink …& yellow!
Oh it was just for him i was thinking more of the coil lube part
OK my lawyers just informed me i cannot copyright the dictionary so tinman might be ok now.
That has a good ring to it i reckon. So does @woftam’s …but because it wouldnt be for @TheTinMan1, drop the ‘The’ & just call it Tinman’s Coil Lube (…especially love the Coil Lube bit)
so instead of changing your company name why dont you come up with more catchy juice names and highlight those on the bottles and have your company name and logo smaller so the catchy name of the juice is what they see ??? i do apologize i had no clue you had a company i thought you were a diy mixer and have always liked your name and avatar , btw do you only sell locally and by website ?? any website info???
Good thinking. It would save all the PITA regulatory and admin bullshit associated with a Co name change.
Re-name the product & re-design the labels.
I like it but spell it Floggin Sauz instead.
I like where your head’s at!
Here’s mine (inspired by yours!)…
Dr. Tonic’s
… Berry brew
… Lemon elixir
… Etc
You would be pounced on for using Dr. in today climate.
Mixmaster Coil Lube
Flavour Saviour? Of course spelled the US way, Flavor Savior
M@Flavologist I have been to your facebook site, and had a look at your products, and hereby offer my very humble opinion.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the name of your company, however to me the label itself is not at all inviting, and if I am perfectly honest the first thing that came to mind was a urine sample bottle.
I’m very sorry, and I have no intention of insulting you, or demeaning your product, but I thought you would rather have an honest opinion.
There was a thread on the forum on peoples own labels and there were some really talented designs being produced, perhaps one of them could be of assistance.
Again I apologise if my comments are out of line.
I wish you only the best
I agree with @Tworrs. I think your name is great. The overall aesthetic of your label design is good, but I would revisit it to “Capture the attention of a broader audience” or a specific target market. You mentioned “Horror Genre & Pin-Up Girls”; these are all conceptual visual changes and doesn’t coincide with what you feel is a problem with the “name” of your company. If that makes sense.
What style of font / typography, with or without the inclusion of images can help identify your co. and create a distinct look that can stand out against the other brands on the shelf (the overall concept or idea behind Flavologist)? What makes your brand original & memorable? I would suggest to start by creating a “mind map” to get the ball rolling. A “mind map” is a very effective visual tool that is used in a variety of disciplines to help you organize and expand your thoughts and ideas.
“…a diagram that has a branch or root-like structure radiating from a central image on the page, and which uses lines and colour to show relationships, groupings and connections between words, ideas and images…”
Here is an example of one with just words. You can draw small images as well:
You will find many examples online, especially on Pinterest if your interested.