Chemical Taste Driving Me Nuts

I am with Brotherbob1 here about the steeping time clock…If you are only steeping your initial ingredients and flavor concentrates together BEFORE adding your final VG…then you are not getting a true steep…The new VG introduced is NOT getting time to blend with your concentrated mix. And IF you are vaping it immediately after adding your final VG, then perhaps this may, in part, explain the chemical taste.

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I understand.

I might ask an Aussie vendor friend of mine if they do that, before giving it to others to try/selling it without the final top-up. I hadn’t really thought about it like that, I suppose generally because you never really end up buying a full-ready-to-go bottle here, unless you’re not adding nicotine, and even then it’s made up completely before dispatch.

I’m not sure how, however, that the VG top up would be causing the chemical’ish smell though, seeing as it occurs beforehand.

Thanks a lot though. :slight_smile: I’ve gained some wonderful insight.

It’s not the VG top up that would be causing the chemical taste…It is the lack of time given to the flavor concentrates, in order to properly blend with that VG… And not enough time for the volatiles in that mix to be removed…But this could only be part of the issue…I have TPA Black Cherry…It is a tough flavor to work with… I think @JoJo mentioned the difficult nature of Cherry flavors, in general…Also, she recommended a few flavors that are a bit more mild than the FA…and when I say mild, I mean that they are not as volatile in nature…which can be a good thing…

I see that you are using PG and VG…Curious what brand…These ingredients can also be a culprit…especially the PG…

Here is a method to test your ingredients… Vape your PG/VG WITHOUT flavor in the mix…See what that tastes like…If it vapes clean, then it is not either of those… If it vapes with chemical taste, then vape your VG by its self…and vape your PG by its self… and compare your results…This is a typical method to rule out problems by the process of elimination…I did it early on and found that my PG was the problem, in addition to other things… Not sure you are using nicotine or not, but you can add that to the mix and test, as well…


Thank you. :slight_smile:

I couldn’t tell you the brand of VG, because I get that from a store. My PG is in bulk though and bought locally from a company called ACE. Nothing about them tastes too off, as I’ve tried vaping just them both.

Regardless, it seems it was in general steeping time. Sure, I sped the test up by using a crock-pot, however, after 2hrs of that, then overnight, then another 2 hours, and then over night, the chemical taste and smell seems to have gone. Now it’s just too sweet, in that less-than-full way, lol.

I had a question with doublers, didnt know where to post as I couldnt find anything relevant to it. So my understanding of making doubler is -

for a 30ml of end product @ 12 mg 50/50

doubler prep- 3ml of flavor
4.5ml PG
7.5ml VG

then rest of it filled up with nicotine.

so its basically just the usual recipe without any nicotine added to it am i correct?

If you’re not opposed try using Kentucky Bourbon instead of the Rum. The two rum flavors I have both seem to not play well with the black cherry. Also I have much better luck with TPA “cherry” not black, maraschino or blossom. Maraschino is unbelievably intense. I have a tank that will forever smell like a bottle maraschino cherries. I’ve heard that FA and flavorah are really good too.

You might also try splitting your custard half and half with whipped or sweet cream. Sometimes the custardy taste can be a real off putting taste to me.

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If you’re gonna use a crockpot get a dip warmer (a mini crockpot) and an analog meat thermometer. The best medium is dry rice in the crockpot nestle your bottle down in the rice but don’t let the bottle touch the bottom of the crockpot. Loosen the lid, next put the meat thermometer close to the bottle and again don’t let it touch the bottom. turn it on and keep an eye on it. when you reach 160 to 170 degrees f. turn it off leave the juice there and let it return to room temp. burp the air out of it three or four times (plastic bottles only of course) seal it shake till your arm almost falls off, switch hands and repeat. Open sniff, test and place in dark cabinet till the next day. You should be good to go, but I gotta tell you I’ve got the mini crock and don’t use it anymore nothing replaces time when it comes to steeping good juices.


A very very belated thank you! I