Coffee flavors = burnt popcorn

As promised, here is that mocha cappuccino recipe:

GoT: Missandei V1

Ingredient %
Caramel Cappuccino (TPA) 0.5
Chocolate (FA) 0.5
Coconut (FA) 2.5
Cookie (Biscotto) (FA) 1.5
Cream Fresh (FA) 1.5
DX Banana Cream (TPA) 2.5
Marshmallow (CAP) 3
MTS Vape Wizard (FA) 0.2
Vanilla Whipped Cream (CAP) 2

Flavor total: 14.3%

Remember to rate it at!
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Have a look at the recipe I posted above. I tamed the TPA Caramel Cappucino!

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With all the coffee flavors I tried when I first started vaping and then again when I first DIY’d COFFEE = BURNT 3 DAY OLD COFFEE in three vapes or less. It is probably my ratty assed taste buds but I just can’t find a coffee flavor that I can vape.

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Same, I have delicious ingredients to pair with coffee, but I have no good flavor!!!

I just got Up from Flavourart, tastes burnt just like the others. I vape at 7.5 volts (Subohm) but I know there is a coffee out there that can withstand the heat.

It is going to be clear as the premium I had that was perfect was clear. So delicious and could be vaped hot!

Please, anyone chime in.

Have any of you tried the recipe by Lars, smooth morning kick? If not here it is
This is what I based my recipe off of and all I do is coffee juice, there is several other good recipes out there too, try also for the love of coffee

Damn @Skullblade789 You’re bein passed around a lot. er um I mean getting around a lot. lmao

I am lookin around finding my way.

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Ever try Flavorah coffee?

Btw know it’s an old post but thanks for the hint… I’ll gru that!