Coil Building show offs!

40mm Nikor AFS Micro. I’ve got an fx sensor on the camera but the dx works fine for macro work. Gotta really push up the aperture though, lol.

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Believe it or not this coil has 6 ply ribbon inside…3 are just hiding lol. Shortly after starting the fuse my core wires started to twist. I fought it the whole way down…14" worth and it kicked my ass. The round wire in the ni80 core was supposed to be sandwiched between 6 pieces of ribbon, that way I would have a colored strip down the center, but that didnt work out. Im still proud of it, just not what I wanted. Anywaysb heres the specs: (6ply) .4 ribbon - 28g ni80 (had a little piece left over from something) - 26g ni80 frames - 36g SS stagger - 40g KD fuse

3mm ID, 5 wraps - .07 Ω dual coil


lovely…great pics too man :wink:


Looks good to me…I would vape dat


Looks great! How do you like the Druga? I borrowed one from a friend for a day or two and really liked it. I am not a fan of dripping but if I can find a good deal on a squanker I may pick up a Druga.


To be honest with you man I havent even vaped it yet! Lol I was trying to get them to color up last night but the damn coil is so big the ramp up time is unbelievable. Im gonna try to get some color tonight, take some final pics and then crank it up wide open! I’ll let you know how it turns out. Im gonna test it for a week and then write a review. Its a .07Ω dual coil…all i have to say about that is thank god for Hohm Wreckers!



Thr Druga does vape pretty good! I really wish the ultum driptip was a few mm taller but its ok as long as I barely put my lips to it. Another cool thing about it is the whole top section fits on my TM24 clone deck and vice versa. The airflow is good, the build deck is easy and the flavor is pretty damn good. I’ve come to expect this from Augvape! What you get for the price is hard to beat


I won coils in an giveaway and the nice people giving coils to this giveaway was @Jondamon and @PTcoils
Just wanted to thank these guys by posting a couple of pics showing off their work.

Jondamons fused claptons first

and PT Coils aliens and fused claptons.


I swear I can see that coil moving like a snake…


I will have two of what you had. :laughing:


Framed stapled aliens; 8 ply .4 kanthal ribbon, 2* 26g ni80 frames, 36g ss alien. 6 wraps around a 3mm bit came out to .12 which is a little lower than I wanted. This was my first attempt at these kinds of coils and it wasnt as bad as I thought. I didn’t stretch the decore enough so I was busy fighting that instead of getting in a groove and blasting full speed. I think the next time I’ll have a more even wrap…but I kinda like the gaps exposing the ribbon core! Maybe next time I’ll shoot for even spacing instead of hiding all the goods under the hood lol


Nice work as always man :ok_hand:


Thanks man that means a lot!


28ga SS316L Mad Max on 3.0mm mandrel ohms out at .28

Great flavor, decent vapor production and it ramps up pretty quick


Nice coil, how did you do it?

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been playing about today with some moody shots lol


I hand weaved the 4 wires together!

Just kidding

Twist 2 wires together clockwise then another two wires together clockwise then twist the 2 pairs together counterclockwise.

The finished wire has a ton of surface area and lots of crevices for juice. I’ve never tried a clapton or any fancy builds so I don’t know how it compares, I just know it works for me.


It’s very interesting.


Quick off topic question for all you show-offs. I just recently started building my own coils and was wondering how much a badly made coil effects flavor. I just built my first coil and put it on my IJOY and it has very little flavor, a lot of cloud but not much flavor, hardly any actually.