@SignMan I agree the hunching over sucks, but the thing that makes it bad for me is the head ache I get after. Anywho, I like Harbor Freight too, I found some pretty neat thing at the one by my house. Like these… They clip on to a pair of glasses, if you don’t wear glasses you can get a pair of reading glasses from your local pharmacy and take the lenses out. They work fairly well though. I use them in conjunction with my mag lamp. Oh ya thanks for stealing my thunder I was just fixin to work on a mohawk alien. nice work. I think its time you move up to 38g though.
" Equivocate " very nice It is very much like hair, it even brake quite easily, but 50g is even worse
I bet! I can only imagine!
I agree 40g and up you really gotta know your stuff by then. I work with 38g but only on regular aliens and multi core claptons and such. I’ve never messed with 40g or above. Im still practicing with the 30’s.
26g/38g ss fused claptons
3x26g/38g alien wrap
Ill give 40g a try one of these days but I hate wasting wire and having to throw it away! And those higher gauge wires get more expensive as well. If your gonna try a 40g mohawk good luck! That crap took me a good hour and a half and its just one coil! The other coil was fugly lol
Thank you man I’m proud of it! The ones you see on google are absolutely amazing and I thought it was a really cool concept. It doesn’t vape as good as you think though lol. I honestly think a 3 core clapton, alien, or a stapled clapton has way better flavor imo. Some of those builds are more for looks than anything i think
Oh another trick that will make even the simplest of builds look amazing is a clip on macro lens. On amazon or ebay you can find them from $10 to $25. They let you really zoom in on the build and its nice and clear. And its for cell phones
nice bro. the colors are bad ass. I agree. i HATE wasting wire. I have been working with 40g for a while now I am just now graduating to 44g. I should have tried 42 first, but like you said it starts to get expensive.
Hell yea man I commend you for even messing with those tiny ass wires. I’ll tackle it one day soon but for now 38 is as high as i wanna try! You gotta have hella patience to build to begin with. My first build was in my kanger subtank rba base. Simple tiny little coil. The flavor i got just blew my mind! After that i was hooked. I used to think dripping was ridiculous but once I started building i realized that rda’s were the best for flavor, and im a flavor junkie, probably like most everyone here. I still use that old kanger rba head. Ill never stop either lol
OK so this is not real fancy at all but until recently I could not do Clapton wire at all. Using the Clapton jig @Dan_the_Man sent me I quickly mastered a simple Clapton. Today after several failed attempts I managed to figure out how to do a fused Clapton using the jig.
2x26gSS316L wrapped with 38g SS316L
Installed in one of my Kayfun V5. It was a little tricky to fit this coil but here it is.
4/5 wrap with 3mm ID
I must say I am impressed with how this vapes. After tuning the coil with short low watt pulses and some very light strumming it ohms at 0.18
Beautiful work!!! Great job
Heck yea man thats awesome! Those look great. Nice and clean build
No separation on the wraps, to me, means it’s a damn fine job! Very nice work, sir.
Great job!
The wraps separating and the wire wrapping in one spot on top of itself was the issues I was having with doing a fused Clapton.
The only way I was able to correct that was to not attach the other end to swivels. I will take some pictures the next time and share.
For anyone that has issues with doing Clapton’s by hand I highly recommended this Jig. My issues with doing this by hand had to do with shaky hands and arthritis.
On there web site they posted they have less than 75 left as of 1/16/17 and they will not be making more. So if you are even considering getting one I would get it now. Here is a screen shot.
Here is there video of how to do a fused Clapton. I found that not using the swivels but letting the wires just turn freely on there own worked better for me when doing a fused Clapton.
The jig part from Avidartisan and Daedalus is also available.
I found that one also after I got the one I have. I think the full kit is kind of nice as well with the drill box that uses 18650 batteries. More expensive but it looks like the drill part is at the same level as the jig which would make it work much better. I have found that with using my cordless drill you have to get several inches away from the drill and hold the nose of the drill down towards the working surface to get it going properly. Especially when doing fused Clapton’s.
Here is a link to the full kit.
The full kit is even cheaper on efun, i think it goes for around $36 there.