Coil Building show offs!

Couple more for you :wink:


Sweet looking again bro. So when can i expect them in my mailbox? :wink:


hahaha :laughing:

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beautiful shots


F-ing gorgeous dude!!


Cheers guys been working hard these past few weeks :+1:


I’m starting to wonder if you’re human…


Thank you for telling how it was done. Looks very complicated but now I’m curious. What gauge wire was used?

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I used the 24ga Kanthal that came with my coil master kit. I’m going to try some 30ga SS316 next time I set up my wire jig. The 24ga is too slow to ramp up for my tastes.

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sounds good. the chain looked really neat and you did an excellent job. ill see what kind of disaster i can create using your technique

Pics, must see pics of the mighty Mad Max coil!

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Even of it looks like hell? I’ll try early next week. If no pics, it turned to shit.

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This is probably such a noob question but I bought some pre-wrapped kanthal claptons a reel of 28/32 and 26/32. I’ve tried both. I seem to like the 26/32 better as I can put more wraps in and go to lower ohms/higher wattage.

I’m only interested in the best build for flavour, clouds are a byproduct for me. I have a dual battery ipv5 with a aromamizer v2 and a limitless plus. I also have a uwell crown, but no matter which dual build I throw at either tank the flavour never pops as much as it does in the crown.

So my question is this. For a flavour chaser what should I be aiming for ohms/wattage wise and which should I be using 26/32 or 28/32? I normally run my crown at 80w on a .25 coil which gives off a nice warm vape and the flavour is excellent.

I think I read somewhere that more surface area was better for flavour, so my coils are always a little spaced with as much wraps as I can get while still keeping the ohms low, I think that’s why I like the 26awg core over the 28 as it’s thicker.

I’m always shooting for low ohms high wattage which is hard to do with the 28awg, but now I’m thinking do I even need low ohms and high wattage for the best flavour? Since I’ve been running my crown like that I assumed I did.

If someone could please advise me on what builds are best for a flavour chaser like me and what ohms I should be aiming for? Sorry for the long post, this has been frying my head this last few weeks trying to replicate the flavour from my crown tank. TIA

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In my opinion the Crown with stock coils is just an excellent flavor tank that will only be topped by coils designed for flavor. Also wicking style and finesse will greatly improve your vape.

For low ohms and high watts and great flavor I would switch to a SS coil. Check out Advance Vape Supply for some prebuilt coils. The Aliens will give you great flavor as will the fused claptons. I like the triple fused with fine outer wrap. I also have some spooled premade stapled wire from them that I used spaced. 5 wraps on a dual coil set up will put you around .20 ohms and give you great flavor.

And it’s not a noob question at all.


Also check out this guy

He can guide you to a great coil for flavor.


My wicking is fine, airflow pointed at coils etc everything in that sense is spot on.

Does it need to be low ohm high watts though, that’s just what I’m used to in the crown so have been trying to replicate it.

I’ll definitely check him out, although I want to try get the best build with the wires I have at the minute which are 26/32 and 28/32.

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You are asking for the best build, well, your build is a clapton coil so that is what you have to work with. Now you want to test a few things to see what gives you the best flavor. Make some contact coils and some spaced coils. To answer your question about does it have to be low ohms for great flavor and the answer is no. I run a Kayfun 5 at .8 ohms and 18 watts and get great flavor.


Go to or get the vapetool app. Both will get you very close to your target resistance.

Nothing real impressive, but I just started trying to spin wire yesterday and this is my first staggered fused clapton

I pulled a wrap out of it and put it in my new pharaoh…I love that thing lol


nothing real impressive you say? fo rea? looks very impressive to me. these fancy builds are more than my capacity