Discontinued recipe's from The Vapor Bar

I havent. Sounds interesting but i dont drink soda


Iv tried that for sure. Not bad but not a authentic oreo imo. The main problem i find with that flavor is it does a decent job to give cookies and ceeam note but its just not that great and saturated on uts own and you cant build it up as you run into the same issue of no seperation

For a authentic oreo you need that heavy mouth lingering frosting cream with a backend note of cocoa tasting crunch. To me if it dont have that heavy saturation its just lacking


Agree, not much cream there (if any), but the cookie part is the most authentic oreo we could ever get in a vape form. Not sure about the separation part with a cream (it’s been years since i finished it and we can’'t get it in Europe), but i can’t see any other cookie do this job better than C&C RF if you’re after Oreo. There’s no substitution.

Besides, even if you don’t succeed with a separation, it is likely that your cookie will still be more authentic than any other cookie you would ever make (for me at least; not saying necessarily better, but for this one most would clearly say it’s Oreo brand, while for other cookies you would make everyone will usually mention different brands if any at all). Besides you can always make a Oreo Ice Cream or Oreo cake or cheesecake or pudding or croissant… :wink:

Cookie Bite MB, O’s Cookies are far far away and nowhere close in chocolatey part or a crunchy sensation. Just make sure you pick up Cookies and Cream RF, not Deep Fried Cookies and Cream RF.


Yea i have every cookies and cream flavir there is. The os cookie is super light and thin ans cookie bite not that good. I agree the rf is the best for the cookie but like i said it still dont work if you want a full finished oreo vape. It just stays too lacking and trying to build up the cream just makes the cocoa more creamy unlike a golden oreo recipe where you can get that fully layered heavy vape.


@mikser, it feels like FOREVER ago I tested that one. I can’t find the product sheet, and can’t remember if RF only offered the Deep Fried CandC or both of them. Looks like you and I shared the same taste(s) on that one.


I couldn’t say. I had DFC&C only once on a drinking night, long time ago before i got my C&C which supposed to be even better by reviewers. I miss that flavor more than any other; i was adding it everywhere.


I’m more of a Golden Oreo fan anyway :+1:


Same here. Love them


A post was merged into an existing topic: What Ya Vaping/Mixing Today? 2024

A recipe for that would be nice as I am in Australia and cannot import anything anymore.

Looking at your other recipes, it’s interesting to see your total flavour percentages are so high. I vape MTL and have poor taste buds so I do a lot of higher percentage mixes without using any sweeteners at all. May have to try a couple of yours out. Thanks for sharing.