Done Michelle
Thank you so much Danzig Very nice to meet you
Pleasure is mine, you may have seen me on fresh03’s ya channel on Tuesday nights . My name is Gary Wiesner in the chat👋
Okay! Very nice to see you here too! Absolutely adore Fresh and he is such a huge help to mixers.
Can you keep 'em in the dark for life
Can you hide them from the waiting world
Done on this one, too!
I truly appreciate all the help. There is so much going on this week with the vaping prohibition going before congress this Thursday. I’m sure most people already know this but in case you don’t leaving this behind here too
Maybe this belongs here…?
Filled it out, then proceeded to punch a congressman in the neck who supports the vape ban…I yelled “Please send this memo to your donors at Big Tobacco”…ahhhh, feel a little better
Nice survey but the real question is, will survey’s like this help or will it hurt? By giving anti-vape law makers more information for rebuttal.
Nicely done.
I only wish that there was an option listed for black market. Not necessarily for me, but I’m sure there are others who will go there after the hammer falls.
Gotcha thanks for getting this poll out there… I really hope it turns some heads.
All the eliquid manufacturer’s will be doing these to help with their PMTA applications. So yes it’s VERY helpful