Flavorah-based recipes

I have the banana on my list to mix this weekend. The crown has dang near run me through all of the juice I had mixed a couple weeks ago. I’m not used to sucking through it this fast. Guess I’ll have to start making some bigger bottles. :smile: What’s the steep like on that one?


I know exactly what you mean with the crown tanks and I have 5 of them!! Thankfully it works in my favor though because I have an insane amount of juices made and the crowns allow me to get to tasting them all much faster than before!! For every 1 I taste I make like 20 more lol!

As far as this mix goes, it is actually on my list to revisit, hopefully this weekend. I did try it after a couple weeks though and it was nice. Very subtle creamy mocha with a nice naner-carm exhale. I am interested to know how it is now though. This isn’t my kind of vape, so I liked it because it wasn’t super strong

If I was a dripper, I would be able to tell ya right now but sadly I am not sorry


I’m looking forward to hearing what you’ve got to say. And I’ll make sure and do the same once I get it mixed and such. :wink:


Thank Jo! I know @Jimk was going to make it for someone but I’m not sure if he got around to it or not? Either way I will update the recipe page as soon as I taste it again!

For what it’s worth it smells amazing right now! Being that it is now over 3 months old I’m sure it’s great! Maybe I will dust off my Nautiluses and give it a taste tonight for ya :wink:

Actually that is exactly what I am doing now because @Alisa was curious as well. I should have an answer for ya in the next 15 minutes or so :slight_smile:


Wow it’s been a while since I have vaped on a 1.8 coil! To think this was the big thing back in the day compared to what we have now! Haha like day and night!

Anyways it is hard to gauge this on the nautilus but it appears that after 3+ months it has really mellowed! More specifically the banana, very very subtle but that’s how I prefer it myself. The mocha seems to be the more dominate but not by any means too strong. I get a nice touch of caramel on the end with the subtle creams throughout.

Again I think with a flavor total of 5.6% on a Nautilus 1.8 coil makes it hard to judge accurately but I think on a subohm tank it would be fine.

This juice just isn’t my style and even though I like the taste I wouldn’t use it as an ADV personally. I just wanted to sample these FLV flavors and this was the perfect mix to do so.

So if you are a banana freak you could easily raise it to .8 or 1 even. Also I would possibly raise the VC to 1 or more just to balance the mocha even more. These are all to my taste though

Mixed 32ml up last night. After reading your notes, decided to split it up so I can start vaping at 3wks and let the glass bottle steep for at least 6weeks before touching it.

Crossing my fingers!

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Awww I feel honored :blush:

Now my fingers are crossed!!! All of them!! haha

That not being my taste of a vape makes it really hard for me to suggest/review it for others, if that makes sense? As you can see by my recipes, it is a bit out of place :wink:

I tasted it for the very very first time about 1 week in and I liked it? Then threw it in the steepin’ box and never really wanted to taste it again because I had so many more that took lead hehe

I really can’t get much off this nautilus and now seeing my %s I can see why.
Maybe taste the one a week in? Allowing for you to tweak the other one to your taste, if necessary?

Those are some sexy labels though, compared to my p-touch cheaper labels! I should recommend some of my home run recipes, just so I can see it in the bottles :slight_smile:

What program/printer label co. do you use?

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Haha I did that the other day just out of curiosity. Busted out the ego battery and kanger protank 2. Man, how far I’ve come in such a short time! LoL. I’ve found that the Flavorah banana really does mellow significantly and it usually does so pretty quickly. It’s a good banana, but I feel like I have to use a tad more or mix it with something like ripe banana to get a good, long lasting banana from it.

Thanks for the update! I’m looking forward to mixing it up. I’ll probably take your advice and bump up the banana and VC. :smile:


Yeah I never realized that and always assumed to start below 1% because it was uber strong right off the bat. I didn’t know this because this is the only juice I have used it in and tbh I never really want to use it.
Personally I don’t care for anything artificially flavored banana. I love bananas, I just had stuff that tastes like them, haha- So for me it’s just enough but for people who like banana or expecting more, I would start at at least 1%

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I’m using a little Dymo LabelWriter 450. Really neat little printer
that uses thermal labels so I don’t have to worry about ink.


Ah, Basically a step up from my P-Touch. A really big step :smile:

I may look into those, thanks

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I am the complete opposite! I hate bananas but I love banana flavored anything…banana pudding, banana runts, banana taffy, etc. I only like real bananas if they’re baked in something or if they’re mashed up and put on toast. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m thinking it’s a texture thing.

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This should be right up your street !
I’m on my second batch of this now,
It is ridiculously good!

Ba'nana Cream - by Botboy141

Banana (Hangsen)0.7
Banana Cream (TPA)6
Cream Fresh (FA)1.5
Jackfruit (TPA)1
Kiwi Double (TPA)0.3
Strawberry (TPA)7

Flavor total: 16.5%

Remember to rate it at e-liquid-recipes.com!

Apologies for deviating from the (Flavorah) thread.
To atone for that, here’s a nice one I tried from the reddit thread:

FLV Lychee Guava by Botboy141

Coconut (Flavorah)0.1
Cream (Flavorah)1
Lychee (Flavorah)2
Pink Guava (Flavorah)3

Flavor total: 6.1%

Remember to rate it at e-liquid-recipes.com!

Yes, Flavorah are bang on it with those flavours!

this recipe of yours got my attention

just got an all-Flavorah delivery today including their Greek yoghurt,so will have a taster with that.
Looking forward to tonight’s “mixing hour” :wink:


That looks really good. I love my Flavorah flavors too. Really spot-on and super concentrated.

Lime is so yummy. Made a creamy lime one myself when I first received my flv flavors
and I still love it :smile:
DaMomma’s Cool Cream : http://e-liquid-recipes.com/recipe/240205/DaMomma%27s+Cool+Cream

0.5% Cool Menthol (Flavorah)
4% Cream (Flavorah)
0.5% Lime (Flavorah)
1% Spearmint (Flavorah)

Flavor total: 6%
Remember to rate it at: http://tjek.nu/r/1W45


This one I just pulled out of the steeping cabinet to check on and it’s Yummmmmm!
Had to share:

Kirk’s Custard Sauce :

2% Boysenberry (Flavorah)
1% Cranberry (Flavorah)
2% Cream (Flavorah)
3% Vanilla Custard (Flavorah)

Flavor total: 8%
Remember to rate it at: http://tjek.nu/r/2E0W


One for the thread…this was a mix lost at the back of the steep shelf for 2 months; time can be a mix’s best buddy. :wink: …turned out tasty.


I tried this flavor and it seemed to have an Ajax cleanser type taste to me. I remade the mix with regular menthol and that taste went away. I guess it was for a cooling effect, but I just didn’t get it.

Hmmm… I’ll try it stand-alone and see what happens, but I definitely didn’t get that in this mix.

hmmm… just made up 10ml :
Single Flavor :
0.5% single flavor
Strength: 2 mg
PG/VG-ratio: 15/85

It’s very cool and minty, but I don’t get a bad taste like you describe.
Maybe just my tastebuds? lol
I would mainly use this as a coolant, more than a menthol flavoring.

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