Flavor's life expectancy?

Do flavors have a certain amount of time before they go “off” ?



Maybe I’m crazy, but I have TPA flavors stored in PET in a drawer that I’ve had for a year and they still seem fine to me. I have yet to experience a flavor that has gone bad. Doesn’t mean it can’t happen though. If you’re concerned, store them (especially large volumes you won’t use as quickly) in glass in a dark container in the fridge or in a fridge you don’t open very often.

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I too have plenty in the plastic bottles and they’re fine and over a year old no problems whatsoever. I do have some in glass as well. I transfer the flavors I buy in the 4 oz bottles to smaller ones that way to not open the large container too often ( similar to how we do w/ nicotine. )

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Keep in mind that as a foods type organization they really need to err pretty far on the side of caution to avoid liability lawsuits. It’s a YMMV situation and they need to represent it at the minimum shelf life for safety.

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This one is only 6 months heck I’ve had mine over 8 months at least this 30ml I’m working on now and it taste the same.


My thoughts exactly, or you could call it wishful thinking. I have a shitload of flavours that will last me for years, if they go bad that’s a lot of money down the drain.

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The way I look at is, I Know for a fact that places like Haiti uses expired medications beyond their dates and from what I hear it works just fine, bc they use what they got. Sure chemical compounds change overtime and I certainly have used medications a few months out of date and I’m still here so I feel the way.

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I get them from my vet for free sometimes when she has some, never killed any of my furry friends.

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I don’t blame you. That’s actually a pretty good idea :blush: Hope mine don’t need anything for sometime.

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Different chemicals have different rates of reaction with air (decomposition - whatever), so some flavors are going to last longer than others, but I wouldn’t worry too much about most flavorings, with one exception. Organic or naturally extracted flavorings will be much more prone to rot.

As for the whole medicine expiration tangent, I’ve always heard that for most medicines expiration means a loss in potency. I did just now do a bit of googling and found an article that says you shouldn’t use expired epipens, eye drops, or biological meds (insulin, vaccines, etc). Here’s another interesting article from Harvard Med school’s website http://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/drug-expiration-dates-do-they-mean-anything

This kind of ties in to a question I asked 3 days ago but I got ignored like a red headed step-child :slight_smile:

As for the OP here, I have 1 flavor that seemed to all but disappear. When I first got it, it seemed much stronger. LA Creamy Caramel. It’s ok because the stuff looks like coffee and I don’t use it anymore but at least there’s one. I think I’ve had it about 15 months and the last time I went to use it was maybe 6 mos ago, it was just weak.