Fur babies!

@Machinist2 don’t know how to convey my feelings, to you or anyone, for a loss of a family member like a pet.
The Bible sorta says they have no soul, but I think they do. I will believe they do until I find out
otherwise, if I am given passage thru the pearly gates.
If there is still a God presence here on earth, after Jesus has risen, then it surely is a pet, in a
being we can touch, hold, and love in a physical matter.
I don’t care if anyone disagrees…
I may be seen as eccentric, or weird, or fukd up mentally, but I can relate to anyone’s loss of
a pet as it was me going through the same loss. God knows I have had my own over the last 50 years.

As I have adopted out most of the 150+ critters I normally have, the older ones are what I have kept.
because I have had them so long, because they have had me, and I want them to live their days in the
most comfort…as I see it. [who da fuk am I?]

Do not mistake my love and caring for critters as being old and senile, and I don’t expect any but a few
to understand how you can have the same feelings for a python as you do a dog or cat. Or for a hawk,
or a turtle, or even a mountain lion laying on your lap…watching TV.
I shed the same tears for any loss of a loved one, and believe me, when I hear of the loss, I weep the tears.
Even though you and I have been friends for some time, @Machinist2 ,it doesn’t make it any easier to
to convey my sorrow and pain in your loss.
I am sad, but I am happy to see the outcome.
And I am blessed by the pics you posted.


Thanks so much
You have a great way with words Ozo

Yeah, I just hope and pray you understand my jibberish,
I rattle and ramble and forget my thoughts, but they are in my heart.
You are so kind to appease me.
Edit: the drip tips are still kickin’ ass in daily rotation…

Me and dexter




Better pic of Duke

Love my fur babies


@Machinist2 I am sorry for your loss - totally heart breaking when you lose a buddy. Pound puppies / adopted abused puppies are the best they are the most loyal companions you could ever hope for. It is like they are grateful to you their whole life, little do they know they give far more to us than we to them.

One of my pound puppies Makai getting his nails done.

Yes he is big (my daughter is 7 to give you some perspective) but the most gentle dog I have ever known. He adopted one of the orphan lambs this year they made quite a site patrolling around the farm. They were inseparable for quite some time.


But could you love a donkey…equally?
Or a mated pair of red-tail hawks…or an 11’ Python that could eat you?
How would you react to a python that purred when you petted it?
Not easy to hold some critters…that want you to hold them.

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What, no roos in VIC ?

Have cared a couple of roo’s over the years all released back into the wild - 1 still visits occasionally if the door is open he lets himself in he is kinda big now and doesnt listen to me like he used to (bit like kids lol)


You are in VIC, right?
My younger brother lives in Dimboola.

Ya i am he is about 400 odd km from me about 300 from @Volition

I am North East Vic your brother is in North West - he will be getting hot next few days.

I found a pic of a couple of the roos we brought up (with my eldest daughter). Taken a few years ago


Those Joeys are getting big for the house,eh?,

Yup they are that was the day they got moved outside my daughter refused to leave them alone for hours lol (which we were prepared for)

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Plenty of roos in Victoria, I had one hopping down the street the other day whilst heading towards the highway. In a housing estate! Not normal but also not exceptional. I’m in country Vic too.

If you ever come here, unfortunately the most roos you will see will be on the side of the road. If you know what I mean. Being nocturnal and no road sense they don’t fair well crossing roads. And its hard to say too but Often joey’s in pouches need to be checked afterwards which can be a ghastly experience. Not nice, but an experience us country folk are aware of but 80% of Aussies live in big cities and have no idea. They mean no harm though.

My sincere condolences to you and your family on your loss. God bless you for taking care of these beautiful creatures. I’m certain Buddy felt your love every single day.


I’m so sorry for your loss :kissing_heart:


Hanging out with my big boy this morning. He jumped up on the couch and was staring at me so I thought let’s get a photo.

So then he hears the shutter sound and this is what I got.


Hah love the 2nd photo, “what the fuck are you doing Bob? Pointless” they know best.

Loyalty & love is your dog. Keep their memory alive in your heart @Machinist2 my condolences


Always had big dogs Rottweiler and Doberman
But I really want a German Shepherd next pretty and smart
Great picture

Just what we doing this morning he wants to play


When I got this dog and took him to the vet for a check up, I had doubts he was a GSD. The vet seems to think he is, but how often do you see a GSD that big? I mean really, on the outside I’ve seen them around 100 lbs, maybe a tad over. But 130 lbs? I think he’s either a freak of a GSD or he’s Shiloh.