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Would love to win any of these. Looking forward to mixing some of my own juices!

Fizzmustard’s Mustard Milk. It’s truly a simple delicious cream and strawberries, but it’s so rich that it’s hard to vape all day every day.

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For me it is definitely this one, it reminds me of my childhood. Fruit loops :slight_smile: love it!

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I can’t go without banana all day but this is good.

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For me, a bit too much cinnamon. Great, otherwise.

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Love this one but really to rich for an adv for me http://e-liquid-recipes.com/recipe/66928/gambit+v2

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a fine recipe from a gifted eliquid chef

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Real good taste that I enjoy every now and then but not my adv

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that sweet tobbacco liquid. would never vape it all day, but it’s good to have it around sometimes

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Cereal Killa Clone
I love it but I can’t vape more than a couple tanks before it starts tasting muted. This is something I have a couple times a month though.

Nana Cream Clone has been a go-to for me from time to time. Definitely not an ADV for me but still very good nonetheless. Thank you!

This is my favorite morning-time vape. It’s great with coffee and really wakes up the taste buds. But, it just isn’t an ADV. Eventually, I can’t stand the cinnamon and I have to switch to something a little more mellow.

ry4 custard variant adapted from rocket puppy when I need a dirty tobacco hit .

The Canadian Cupcake sounds like it mght be really tasty – for a minute :smile:

Well, for a long time i was after a good after eight chocolate receipe.
This is my receipe and it is very very close to the real taste experience when you eat the real thing. I can’t vape it ADV because the creme the menthe are very strong but I always have a 10ml bottle with me for some moments of the day.


One I absolutely can’t live without is @aux 's Diketone Soup #1

My favortie non-ADV has to be Black Honey Tobacco and Bavarian Crème because it is a very good tobacco vape but tobacco vapes are only good for so long until I need something sweet.

My Non-ADV that I can’t live without would have to be The Bombies Nana n Cream. That stuff is so delicious it makes my face hurt. It’s just the right amount of banana mouth explosion, a little extra dragon/strawberry fruitiness on the top end, and a touch of creamy at the end of the exhale. However, it does lose something and the flavors change when I vape on it all day. I usually have a bottle of it around though for a few drips every now and then.

This is an original I came up with by accident. I had a Lemon Cream that tasted really good and decided to add cupcake to it to see what I got. It taste exactly like a Hostess Lemon Zinger.

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Probably this one for me!

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