Good Deals 2024 / 2025

I didn’t even fire the big helix one. It was just kind of a personal challenge, and a LOT of metal. I don’t even know how to post the specs lol. I’ll give it a shot tho… The inside was 4x30+(8x.3)/38ga. The outside part is 4x28ga and fusing is 38ga. I think I wrapped it on a 5mm drill bit but it’s closer to 6.5 after springing out. I like to use big single coils in the Pandemic 28 but way thinner wires. It works way better than I expected.

Mesh alternative coils are awesome. I usually make them with all kanthal because resistance is always hard to keep above .1Ω for the ones I’ve liked. I only like kanthal in these coils, and for series builds. Both situations it kicks lots of great flavor. I’m not sure why it doesn’t work that way for regular single and dual coils. N80 is so much better in those for me. I tried to figure it out but came up with no explanation.


Those look sick. You got some skills!




Nice finds. I got a few of those RAM boxes from a sale a long time ago. Your post led me to this thingy. It’s only ten bucks:

I’m not sure how good it works. It might be worth a try for just ten bucks.


Yeah, that looks interesting, but I’m still unclear on how it juices the deck. From what I’m reading it does NOT do it automatically, and you have to close off the airflow to the deck, pull on it, to juice it ?


Looks like your drag suction does it, but not sure. I’m thinking the adjustment part is for how much liquid flows.


Yeah, after RE-reading (and re-reading again), you are right. Sounds like if you get the adjustment just right, it works pretty good.


Dual-core SFC’s are my absolute favorites. I made them all the time, but since having some nerve issues in my dominant arm/hand, I can’t make them anymore. Luckily, Amazon has 10ft spools for 13.00.


Damn…That sucks to hear , Ive bought from CoilClout for years and anytime ive had issues Jonathan has always responded quick and went above and beyond to make it right…We carry on conversations a few times. I bought my Voltrove V3s from him and he didnt have replacement glass stocked. I suggested it and he had it up pretty quick , my order of replacement glass was sent wrong i received straight glass and not the bubble tanks. Jonathan refunded and gave me a 50pct off code for future purchases so Ya i got 1 of my Voltroves for half off lol


Beautiful, The patience and craftsmanship it takes to build coils amazes me. If i couldnt buy them i would be out of luck bc coils are tough


I got 1 of those, you do have to prime it when it has been sitting awhile, close off the airflow and take 4 or 5 puffs on your RDA. After that you can chain vape it and it will siphon juice automatically. I have only tried it with a Profile mesh RDA and still working on my first tank but so far worth the 10 bucks. It sucks if you forget to prime it though after it sits awhile, dry hit city


The first time i ordered i got it in about 10 days but 45 days and still not shipped is ridiculous. I also saw there was a thread on the vapingdelights group about coilclout with dozens of people waiting months for there order and a number of people that did a charge back on their credit card. I didnt even order anything crazy just their most common alien coils.


Thanks for posting this. I love the RAM with the Elder Dragon and with the Serpent Mini RDA. I’ve been waiting for a deal on the Lift Box for awhile now. Was just on the verge of finding a good setup for it when I dropped it and ended it’s life. Been wanting the Nudge for awhile now. I need more gear like I need a hole in my head, but I have an order in.


My pleasure @JiM210 and I hope you score a couple. I can’t remember who it was who turned me onto them at MyVPro, but when I saw “limited stock”, hehe, that meant GO TIME.


Darn it, I didn’t get any of those squonks or the lift box :laughing:. They were in my cart at one time but must’ve cleared em. I was also considering those Wotofo squonk refill bottles but eventually passed. Here’s what I got:

I got a couple SRPNT RDAs from Element Vape about a month ago. I expected them to be pretty good, and they are. I’ve been getting into the larger single coils in some decks and the SRPNT shines with one of those. My coil/build looks terribly mounted in it, but vapes phenomenally. It’s top cap is really cheap/thin but I don’t mind. They’re dirt cheap almost everywhere.

I got a Thallo S kit a year or two ago and used the only good coil it came with. I’ve rebuilt it about 3 times by taking the housing apart. I’ve got plenty of mesh coils with legs so figured I’d use some. The metal coil housing is getting beat up from being taken apart. I didn’t know which RBA to get so I got two different kinds… Neither of them things fit. I had no idea that it takes RPM 2(or Nord 2?) coils. Hopefully the SMRT kit works out. I’m not a big fan of pods or pod mod kits but want to try keep this one running. I’ve got a certain liquid or flavor that seems to work well in it.

I already have a couple of Profile 22 conversion tops but both were used. Surprised to see any left, and MyVPro has 4 different colors. I’m not sure if they affect performance but lots of people claim so. I love using them and 22mm Profiles can fit on a Pico Squeeze :grin:.

I might go back and get the stuff I passed on this time… I’m glad MyVPro came back. I remember shopping there before most people knew about them. A lot of my stuff has came from there.


Hey Folks just wanted to share a nice haul I just ordered. As I stated before I just lost my last working box mechanical mod so I went shopping and found the OG VV Pulse Mod and Kit for a really low price.

$25.47 for everything @


I also picked up 2 new DNA75 boards so that I can get my favorite two mods back into good working order. My OG Lost vape Therion’s.


thats freaking amazing!