HBD @eStorm, go ahead and take the rest of the day off after work!
hey , Thanks , but please don’t be sorry. Like I said, this one turned out really good, IMO. And I really am apt to forget own birthday (along with almost everybody’s else’s… my son being a major exception, ofc) . Even when I was a kid, I used to wander home from school in a dream as usual on my b’day ,stroking every cat i paassed, as usual, taking an hour-or-so to complete the journey as usual, then be stunned to find the house full of kids running around in their party clothes! Then I’d open my presents, grab some nosh, and settle in a corner with a book * chuckle * I never did quite get into the spirit of it. I was like “It’s my party and i’ll read if I want to” grin
Hope u had a great day!! Happy birthday
Welcome to the family.