HeavenGifts Giveaway: Win Freemax Starre Pure Ceramic Tank! 3 Winners!

Ribbon Fused Clapton

Thanks…that’s better…even though I really don’t know what words have been used already and what hasn’t…


if we compile these words we will have a great glossary
Bittersweet Chocolate

Yeah your right…

I bet this one hasn’t been used yet…


I’m a flavor chaser, not a Tootle-puffer or a cloud chaser
how about Raisin flavor


Lychee …i’m using flavors on my shopping list I may never have

A flavor I will never want…I don’t do coffee flavors for vaping


I use too much flavor when I try should be practicing Flavor Optimization

I am absolutely in love with Alisa’s recipe

Bust a Nut!!!

I want to try that one
I have never had a Thermal Runaway with my batteries

Everyone should be knowledgeable about their

18650 Lithium ion batteries

I have lots of Milligrams of nicotine in my liquid


i need more wire

I like really Sweet juice

You can do it E is the letter

I was going off your milligrams…didn’t see the others, but @Mark_Turner needs to change his to start with an S first…

That is right, now you all have posted I’ll play off my last word with Smokeless
now you can play sweet and we will let @Mark_Turner catch up

okay…well then I will still go with Sweet

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