Here It Is...Turbo Steep!

If you are going to buy a mini stovetop for your mixing table, why not just go to the next level with a magnetic stirrer? My Corning hotplate stirrer only cost me $100 on ebay. I have seen them on there a lot cheaper. And it will heat up to 1800°F if you ever have a need to melt aluminum lol.

When juice steeps, it typically turns an amber color (depending on flavors used), usually over a period of a couple weeks. After a stir on the hotplate, it’s already there. It still needs a steep, but it definitely speeds things up.


@Steampugs, sometimes, just SOMETIMES, I feel your words eclipse your use of gif’s. But only SOME times. :slight_smile:


As far as the OP’s method here…
I would never purposely introduce air into a mix containing nicotine, unless you plan on vaping it right away. I have had juice go bad because of this (very harsh nicotine blasts to the throat with a spikey sledgehammer). I made a batch of juice that I used a frother on. When the juice was mostly settled, I poured it into bottles. The bottles that were poured which still had some frothy bubbles went extremely bad. Subsequent bottles went bad progressively less depending on where they were in the pour from the beaker (less bubbles, less bad).

It took a bit of discussion on here to figure out what caused it. I was baffled how bottles from the same batch could do that. The bottles, when lined up, looked like a paint sample from Menards with color from light to dark. I did another experimental mix later to see if the bubbles were indeed the cause, and sure enough, the same thing happened. Juice with nicotine and froth in the bottle turned dark, and was unvapable.

So when the OP said oxygen is the key here, I have no doubt it is doing something. But if nic is involved in this process, things can go bad. Avoid!

Everyone has their magic method for steeping. I know my hotplate stirrer speeds things up. And I am on the waiting list for a GC, which after doing some research, and based on other users here sharing their thoughts, I am certain it does what people say it does. I can’t wait to get one.


I want something as small as possible and im inly using it to heat VG …I looked at the magnetic stirrer with hotplates but I dont need the magnetic stirrer part…Also the hot plate is like 30$ that extra 70 will come in handy…

Beforw I pull the trigger on hotplate im gonna take a good look at what Tam Vapes uses…She uses a ultrasonic vleaner that had an heating option…

This is what Tam Vapes has which is cool bc the heat and ultra sonic cleaner all in one


I have a nicer UC than that one. Personally, I was unimpressed with the results. I use it now to clean my airbrush, and other small parts, so it does come in handy.

The hotplate stirrer is nice, because you can turn it on, get it to temp, then go watch a movie, play games, take a nap, etc. Then come back to some beautiful amber juice.

And I am betting my stirrer isn’t much bigger than that stove.


I am using the Homogenizer " GC " so the only reason I need anythung is to heat VG to apprx 140f …if you have time can you link me what your talking about , im interested in taki g a look …


I have one of these. This is the cheapest one on ebay right now, but I have seen them for around $60 shipped.


@Asmoday … you can accomplish the exact result in 30 seconds using a dremel tool and a 1/8 inch drill bit with a drink stir straw fit onto the drill bit… Cut the straw in half… Cut a 1/2 inch split slit at the end of straw…attach to drill bit…insert in mix… froth for 15 to 30 seconds …done … Remove straw… toss out…attach new straw…repeat for next mix… No hassle…quick …efficient… Delivers exact result that the time consuming method you outlined does…better and faster…No clean up…EZ PZ… Results in the milky/froth bubble infused mix you described… Harbor Freight for 10 dollar dremel tool…or Amazon… or Walmart… Meijers for drink stir straws… Save yourself a helluva lot of time and hassle…plus no need for clean up… Delivers the air bubbles uniformly…and you have control as to the extent you want to froth…

It has been mentioned over the years here that too much air in a mix can dissipate flavor molecules as well…so that is a caution that many people offer up…However, flavors with ethyl alcohol can benefit, as frothing assists in the evaporation of the alcohol…many people breathe alcohol laden mixes as well…though I prefer not to leave cap off…


Thats a perfect size…Ill look around to see if I can find something in the price range i want …Ty, Damn It my mind was made up , not now…I really like the look and functionality of what you linked


I absolutely love mine. I used it before for mixing 500ml batches. Although, I really need a 320 series for batches over 400ml or so because the magnets won’t hold the stir bar in place very good stirring that much liquid. I mix max VG, so it is a bit of a chore to get spinning. Even at 120°F that much liquid is a bit much for this lil guy to spin.

Edit: Also, I feel like a mad scientist with that thing on my table :laughing:


Thats the only issue ( spinning ) i do t need that function at all …So it defeats its purpose for what i need


Thats funny my GF keeps saying " what are you trying to create a mini lab" Um yes I am lmao


Lol. Yeah, I was nervous the first time my mother came over and saw my lab, and she left without saying a word. She did have a weird look on her face.


Breaking Bad type of look :thinking::thinking::thinking:lol


Yeah, one of those “oh shit, he’s making meth now” looks. My lab is going back up this week. I will show you guys some pics of it when done. It’s going to look pretty cool.


Even when I get the GC, I will probably still use my stirrer for mixing stuff before blasting with the GC. I plan to do some comparisons with both devices on my Drunken Custard. I kinda have this thought in my head that my stirrer will still be useful.


For what it’s worth…I’ve had a UC for about 2 years now, similar to this one…

It’s great for clearing bubbles up, but whether the heat’s on or off I’m not totally convinced it shaves any steep time off. TBH I haven’t actually tested it’s effectiveness vs time steeping though.


Yup, that’s what I have. Works great for cleaning stuff!


Well I likes to take all my ingredients and pour them on a cookie sheet bout 1/16" deep. I sets that out in the sun for a day. Gets rid of all them aerio-matic chemicals they puts in the flavors. Turns ma juice a beautiful Choco-lot brown. Pours that in my Smok Beast thingy with a six week old coil and hits that bad boy. Makes me a cloud that looks and smells like diesel exhaust out of an 18 wheeler. That there’s a mans vape!! Tastes just like I strained it through a three week used sweat sock. Yum!!!

