How do you mix: by weight or by syringes?

@BathVaper dude you’re like my new best friend for all your help haha.

Aye, I used to double check my old scales like that… Maybe for that reason maybe not :wink:

But those scales only went to 1 decimal place and tbh I wasn’t as fussed if it was a wee bit out haha

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I couldn’t really comment.

But I’ve still got a beautiful little balance scale around somewhere from the pre-digital days…


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Bought it, LOVE it. :heart_eyes: :smirk: Would fight for it. :grimacing:

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So, how many of you go through your stash and put in the manufacturer specified gravity? Or do you just go with the 1ml=1g proximity?

ELR has built in gravities for TPA, Capella’s and Flavorah - As for myself, I use the standard…


Built into the calculator is what you are saying, correct? So will the weight I put into my stash page change those? For example, a brand you did not mention (fw) ,if I was to put in 1.025, would the calculator use that?

At the moment it’s only TPA, Capellas and Flavorah that has gravities (and MSDS-sheets). If you put anything in the weight field in your stash you override it.

You can always check the flavor details page, if it has a manufacturer specified gravity (and MSDS-sheet).

I usually make an announcement here, and I try to keep the ELR Guide on Wikivapia up to date as well…


Finally got scales, life’s a breeze now!


Isn’t that the truth! I look back now and think, why did it take me so long to stop fiddling with drops and move to mixing by weight??? Sooooo much less trouble!

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Thank you, Thank you and Thank you! Cant wait till my scale arrives, its going to be so much easier to mix and I think I might really enjoy it. Its been a chore washing my syringes just to measure more flavor and my numbers are coming off too. Oh Thank you! :kissing:

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I got that same Etekcity scale in today, Jim. I’m very frustrated with it right now as the display turns off after about 3 seconds if I don’t add weight within that time. How are you using this thing without being frustrated? What am I doing wrong?

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Well, poop! I’m sorry you are having issues with your new scale! I have no idea why yours would power down after 3 seconds of no use. Mine does not do that in the least. In fact, I have been waiting for mine to power off during mixing and it never has. I feel bad that you may have gotten a bad unit.

But hey, if it makes you feel any better, my new vapor flask mod (used for 5 days) just took a dump on me. It just went belly up, right in the middle of my vaping enjoyment. $70/5 = $14 dollars a day…then the the sound of a toilet flushing rushed through my ears! I feel your pain!

I hate it when that happens. Any chance it can be adjusted or repaired?

Who’d you buy it through? Amazon? eBay?

I have an Etekcity one too. If I hold down the tare button, a number comes up. I’m not positive, but I think it may be the auto-off delay. If I press the mode key it switches between 60, 120, 180, and 0. That’s the only thing I can think of. Or maybe different batteries? The ones mine shipped with were kinda junky. Hope that helps. :confused:

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Duh! I didn’t even think about weak batteries. Good call; might help!


I bought it (the Etekcity) from Amazon. Tried brand new batteries, no luck. I’m returning it and ordering another one. Even though it’s more expensive, this American Weigh has the AC-adapter and won’t turn off if using it. Supposedly. lol We’ll see.

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This may be off topic but why is the default on the create a recipe page set at 35 drops when it is not 35 drops…Its 20…?
Just wondering…

For many droppers it’s 35 - you’re free to set it to what you wish :smile:

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Ok, just did a little experiment and with my droppers it is 40… So I wasn’t off as bad as I thought.
Just another reason for me to switch to weights…LOL :smile:
Scale is already on its way.
Didn’t mean to sound like douche.