I'm a noob and need guidance!

I’ve just ordered around 10 Ono on one flavours from vapable.
This will be my first attempt at DIY juice.
Are the one on one juices to be used as the sole flavour or can they be mixed?
We’re does everyone else get there concentrates and where can I find simple but effective recipes?
I don’t wanna dive in too deep.
Also, I have Family and friends who also spend a fortune on premium liquid. Can I sell to them?
Just a general guide and any hints and tips would be great.

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Welcome to the site!
OoO (One on One) flavors can be mixed without problem to form recipes or be used as a single stand alone juice. I would suggest that you use the Resource link at the top right and also the Flavor List to research the flavors you are going to be getting to see what others have said about them i.e single stand alone starting percentages and all.
I do have to warn you though…

Since you made it this far it’s too late, your going to find this is an excellent past time and will become addicted to trying more and more things lol

That is actually a legal issue and I would advise not to take a sea lawyers (someone giving advice that isn’t a legal person) advice. If on the other hand someone gives you money and to return the favor of that you give them some juice (advising that you are not liable for health concerns) there shouldn’t be an issue.