Inawera Creme Brulee, absolutely disgusting

Two things I can think of, if indeed the formula is still the same… INW makes a dark lager flavor, bull city doesn’t sell it but maybe there was some kind of mix up or cross contamination somewhere along the line.

I also noticed that recently bull city doesn’t really publish bad reviews, especially if the flavors aren’t being used for culinary. All of the reviews on their website are old, 2015-2019… I’m willing to bet there have been people trying to post 1 star negative feedback that just didn’t get published.

I’m not lying though guys, the stuff I got tastes exactly like beer. I don’t think it’s my taste buds this time. It smells pretty nice like caramel creme in the bottle, it’s just the second it hits my coil it turns into beer! It’s very bizzare.


im making a shopping list and found

creme brulee was reformulated

ID10-T on reddit says
“this used to be perfect, but they reformulated it and ruined it and now it tastes like vomit”


Detective warkwarth has solved the mystery. Since this Reddit post is more updated than many reviews, this seems like a good list for reference. Thank you.


I want to add, I just tried to directly taste the flavor via drip on the back of my hand… And it tasted like beer. The smell, there is a nice creamy caramel smell… That gets murdered by gross stale beer. See, I don’t really get “vomit” from mine. It’s straight beer! I really have to wonder if someone at the manufacturing place accidentally mixed creme brulee with dark lager and they just were like “oh well. Too late.” I even smell a note of cat piss, like some spilled a cheap beer and it got dried up.


lets debate all day whether it tastes like beer or vomit


Well to be fair, a couple days after I mixed it it tasted like both beer and vomit.


Well @Mediocre_Remedial at least you gave it a few days before trashing it LOL. Sounds a lot like my “sideways” mixes, “Burnt Tires and Assholes”.


Just out of a weird twisted curiosity what exactly does asshole taste like in a tank?


@Letitia, we go back a long ways. Sadly I cannot answer that, because the lawyers say so. :slight_smile:

Let’s just say, “Worse than imaginable” !!!


Understood. Likely a blessing eh…


Hehe, for every GREAT final recipe, there can be many, many NOTS !!!



Sometimes a painful truth. That’s what make you special as a reviewer, you’ll try them all. Thanks for taking on that load for those of us who aren’t willing to. I’m way to selfish to try what I know I won’t enjoy.


That… Is so true!

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Well, you’re very kind @Letitia. I will admit, hehe, that SOME-times, when I have a massive series to get through, and I’m looking at the names, and all of the bottles, I DO kind of dread some of them, hehe.

I mean, I’m not doing CRAB, or HOT SAUCE, but, yeahs, I’ve done some, that weren’t in my wheelhouse.

I gotta look it up, because I can’t remember the flavor brand, but I did a few from them, and OMG, absolutely terrible. NOT FOR VAPING !!! Hehe, I think I blocked it out because it was soo painful to witness. I gotta look it up @Letitia. It’s going to drive me crazy until I find it.


Well, now I’m curious too!


Yes, I tested it for Noted. Are you butyric sensitive?


I had INW Crème Brulee some time ago (a few years) I bought it from DiyVapor because almost everything INW they carry is old stock. As I remember the INW Crème Brulee was ok, to me it tasted like a decent caramel custard with some light toasted notes. Vape train Creme Brulee was similar to that but leaned more towards the custard in a Bavarian cream donut.


I don’t think so. I don’t think it should taste like beer. It must be a bad batch or something. I’ve tasted lots of creams and custards, never tasted like cheap, flat beer. Smells like beer too. Somethings definitely wrong with this stuff. I think even if I tried adding this to food it’d taste like beer. Im honestly wondering if creme brulee got mixed up with their dark lager flavor.


This is the most accurate list and the reason why SOME flavors were reformulated. The big reformulation conspiracy happened 7 to 8 years ago and has never been forgotten. Inw was pretty straight forward with why they had to. Some great flavors were lost in the reformulation but not all.

If your interested the first post in this thread explains it well.