Inawera Creme Brulee, absolutely disgusting


Yes, I tested it for Noted. Are you butyric sensitive?


I had INW Crème Brulee some time ago (a few years) I bought it from DiyVapor because almost everything INW they carry is old stock. As I remember the INW Crème Brulee was ok, to me it tasted like a decent caramel custard with some light toasted notes. Vape train Creme Brulee was similar to that but leaned more towards the custard in a Bavarian cream donut.


I don’t think so. I don’t think it should taste like beer. It must be a bad batch or something. I’ve tasted lots of creams and custards, never tasted like cheap, flat beer. Smells like beer too. Somethings definitely wrong with this stuff. I think even if I tried adding this to food it’d taste like beer. Im honestly wondering if creme brulee got mixed up with their dark lager flavor.


This is the most accurate list and the reason why SOME flavors were reformulated. The big reformulation conspiracy happened 7 to 8 years ago and has never been forgotten. Inw was pretty straight forward with why they had to. Some great flavors were lost in the reformulation but not all.

If your interested the first post in this thread explains it well.